New Diablo 3 class...

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What, no one else posted this:

It's a Monk!

The monk is a skilled warrior of unparalleled dexterity. Armed with speed, holy fervor, and a quest for physical and spiritual perfection, the monk becomes a deadly apparition in the heat of battle, moving faster than the eye can follow to strike down enemies with a barrage of lightning-fast blows.

Q: How did the new monk character class come about?
A: We wanted to add another melee character that was still hard-hitting, but lightning fast, to complement the raw strength and brutality of the barbarian. When we set out to design the monk, we wanted him to feel elegant and fluid, like something out of a fighting game. What we came up with is a holy warrior and martial artist who uses a unique arsenal of weaponry, hand-to-hand combat techniques, and a distinctive combo-based attack system. ... q/?gr_i_ni


heh... there was a monk in the unofficial blizz expansion diablo 2 :)
eh, wasn't that Hellfire, for Diablo 1?! And it wasn't so much unofficial as not made by Blizz, so unsupported... (started with D2 myself).


I couldn't remember.... It was too long

but I remember a monk and a witchdoctor I think.
I figured somebody had already posted it. I have such a hard time getting through thread titles here I'm afraid to post something new that might be a repeat.

That is a hell of a picture there. I think I'm going to grab that and crop it for one of my background pictures.

Yay Monk! I wouldn't be surprised if the last class is a shifter of some sort. I just hope it's not too transparently a Druid clone.
Holy crap, those monk attacks look sweet! I think I found the class I'll play the most when this comes out.
Now that everything is up, looks like he's a Paly-Assa hibrid... and all awesome. I wonder if the final class will be a Druid-Amazon hybrid, with a ranged form and a tank one...
Shegokigo said:
I really out to play through my copies of Diablo 1 and 2....
Be truly hard core. Play Diablo on the Play Station. The load screen times were nicknamed "Time to make a sandwich" by my friends and I.
Couldn't be any worse than when I played EQ on my first computer. I read through all my Dragonlance novels just by reading a few pages between loading zones. :retard:
Ahhh, Monk. My least favourite class in D&D. And a pally-Assa hybrid - my two least favourite classes in DII. I think I know what class I won't be playing :-P


I heard something describing the Seven-Sided Strike skill that makes me want to play the Monk asap:

"It's like Chain Lightning...except that YOU are the lightning."
What, the Wizard didn't tip you off already!?

But it looks like the Monk can use Staffs as well and they mention he's also a divine character, so we might see some Paladin type stuff on him.
Well Blizzard screwed up the Assassin class in Diablo II which is why I'm a bit skeptical of the Monk. Getting a Monk class to work well, is something which many games have failed at. Combing a lack of ranged weapons with rather weak damage is always tricky since you nearly always end up with an underpowered character. Ah well, I hope Blizzard manage to make a Monk class that will compete with the others.
Icarus said:
Well Blizzard screwed up the Assassin class in Diablo II which is why I'm a bit skeptical of the Monk. Getting a Monk class to work well, is something which many games have failed at. Combing a lack of ranged weapons with rather weak damage is always tricky since you nearly always end up with an underpowered character. Ah well, I hope Blizzard manage to make a Monk class that will compete with the others.
In this case it seems they gave him a deflect type ability and a teleport attack to make up for lack of range attacks.


That attack he has where he punches them, marking them with some dot over their head, and then explode if they die whilst effected by that?'s like something from Fist of the North Star! :D
Greendog said:
That attack he has where he punches them, marking them with some dot over their head, and then explode if they die whilst effected by that?'s like something from Fist of the North Star! :D
Was that in a trailer? Because that's how the assassin class worked in Diablo II: you collected "dots" to perform special attacks.
Icarus said:
Greendog said:
That attack he has where he punches them, marking them with some dot over their head, and then explode if they die whilst effected by that?'s like something from Fist of the North Star! :D
Was that in a trailer? Because that's how the assassin class worked in Diablo II: you collected "dots" to perform special attacks.
You have to watch the attacks in the link I provide to get an idea on what they are doing. It places the dot above the enemy, not the Monk. From this view I believe it acts as a timer of some sort.
D2 also had stuff that you put on the enemies heads for a couple of classes... don't remember who had the orb...

Think of it as a curse that makes them blow up for AoE dmg when they die.
The one thing that kinda bugs me a little is that visually, it's kind hard to distinguish him from the barbarian AND the wizard somehow. Most of his attacks don't feel like melee, they feel like just explodin'. Which is cool and all, but there are other classes I play to make stuff 'splode.
Raemon777 said:
The one thing that kinda bugs me a little is that visually, it's kind hard to distinguish him from the barbarian AND the wizard somehow. Most of his attacks don't feel like melee, they feel like just explodin'. Which is cool and all, but there are other classes I play to make stuff 'splode.
It's a theme I'm noticing in the classes, too. Seems like there's a bigger emphasis on AoE attacks and bigger mob packs coming at you.
Icarus said:
Greendog said:
That attack he has where he punches them, marking them with some dot over their head, and then explode if they die whilst effected by that?'s like something from Fist of the North Star! :D
Was that in a trailer? Because that's how the assassin class worked in Diablo II: you collected "dots" to perform special attacks.
I must have specced my assassin differently because I don't recall this play mechanic at all.
If we go by Starcraft 2 about 3 years after it was announced...

Bowielee said:
Icarus said:
Greendog said:
That attack he has where he punches them, marking them with some dot over their head, and then explode if they die whilst effected by that?'s like something from Fist of the North Star! :D
Was that in a trailer? Because that's how the assassin class worked in Diablo II: you collected "dots" to perform special attacks.
I must have specced my assassin differently because I don't recall this play mechanic at all.
Yeah, traps usually made for better builds...


I keep going back to look at videos of the monk, and I can't believe my first reaction to the announcement of this class was dissapointment. The animations, even at such an early stage, look awesome. To me he seems like your friendly, neighbourhood glass cannon :)

I'll be interested to see what other additions they make in terms of skills over the next year or so, but it still irks me we've got a potential wait of two years before this is out :(
2 years... wow, you're an optimist, ain't you. SC2 got announced in 2007, and they said they where working on it since WC3 got finished... it's probably 3 years at least until D3 comes out...


Well, SC2 was announced in 2007 and will be released, at least the first part, in 2010. D3 was announced last year so by that rational should be out in 2011 as I'm sure they've been working on it in some way since...well, a long time ago.

To be honest, I'd prefer to think of it arriving in 2011 as I'll be too preoccupied with the newly emerging hoverboard technology in 2012.
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