[Question] New Laptop

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Hi, guys, I'm looking to get a laptop for school. I'm really looking for something barebones but not a piece of crap. I will not be using it for gaming or anything like that, but will be using it for programming in Java and C++.

I don't want to shell out a boatload of cash, perhaps somewhere in the 400-500 range. As I said, it doesn't need to be a gaming rig or anything. I do want something that's pretty compact. There are just so many different laptops out there, I'm finding it hard to sus out which ones are good and which ones are bad.
Dive in, man. The site is full of info. Only things I have to add are that if you're going to be doing a lot of code compilation, get the faster HDD if you can afford it (7200 instead of 5400/4200RPM). If your code is all going to be dynamically recompiled (ie, Java), put your money into more RAM, instead.

Remember that you can (almost) always increase RAM and HDD later, but you are forever stuck with whatever GPU/CPU/MLB is in the box. If you have to skimp on something, skimp on RAM/HDD until your wallet recovers.

I've pretty much made up my mind I'm going to get an HP pavillion. It's a little more than I was looking for, but i'll also be using it for office docs and some ocassional entertainment, so it seems like the best bang for the buck. Your link clinched it for me because they rated it really highly and the review was largely positive.
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