I've completely upgraded my fadecomic site. Here's the details for anyone who cares.
Homebrew CMS is gone. Using a customized Drupal 7 install with a few of my own mods and modules thrown in.
Rate, comment, etc.
New host. I went from my slow fly-by-night host to A Small Orange. The speed difference is tremendous.
Crazy caching on both the server side and the CMS side. It loads lightning fast for me. Would like to have opinions.
Lots of CSS3 goodies. I've adopted a bit of a screw-you attitude towards anyone still using old browsers.
Social media widgets. Like it on FB or Twitter, etc. using the AddThis framework.
Responsive sizing, mobile-friendly.
This rewrite actually took a couple of months, and lots of my free time. I hope it works for you. I did have to sacrifice some things that I wasn't terribly happy about (like my homebrew jQuery based issue viewer).
Things to come: