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New Star Trek show in the works?



I just got this in my email (even though I only played the beta) from Cryptic Studios..

There's even more available. To learn more, check out our Season Three: Genesis informational page.

Design The Next Enterprise
Seriously. We're working with our friends at CBS and Intel to turn the design of the next canon Enterprise over to you, Star Trek's most dedicated fans. Just visit our special Design Hangar and submit your version of the universe's most iconic spaceship. We'll convert the best design into a ship in Star Trek Online, but that's not where it stops.

Here are the prizes available:

* Grand Prize: Custom, STO-painted Alienware M11x laptop; STO Collector's Edition; STO Lifetime Membership; and a 3-D model of the winning design.
* Second Prize: Alienware laptop (no custom paint job), STO Collector's Edition and an STO Lifetime Membership.
* Third Prize: STO Collector's Edition, STO Lifetime Membership and an Intel Core i7-875k processor.
* Fourth Prize: STO Collector's Edition and an STO Lifetime Membership.
* Twenty-one Honorable Mentions: Standard-edition copy of STO and a Star Trek Online poster.
perhaps I'm jumping ahead here, but doesn't canon usually mean either the movies or tv shows?



Most likely a Movie or just into the ingame lore.



I pray to the gods it is a new Star trek show. I know it is highly unlikely but it would be nice.:)



After Enterprise, I'm praying the opposite.




I love Star Trek and would love to see a new series but at the same time I am fearful of anything that comes out. Especially given the events in the latest movie they will probably want to continue off of the new timeline instead of going with the timeline we all know and love.

---------- Post added at 01:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------

Also on a side note I saw the following on Reddit yesterday

In 2006, a new Star Trek animated series was in preproduction for CBS/StarTrek.com. It never saw the light of day, but this website has original concept art, scripts, and even storyboards for it. Nice look at what could have been.




After Enterprise, I'm praying the opposite.
Any new series is ether going to be set in the new universe created by the latest Star Trek film or is going to be set in the old universe and have to deal with the effects of having the Romulon Empire close down shop over night.



After Enterprise, I'm praying the opposite.
Any new series is ether going to be set in the new universe created by the latest Star Trek film or is going to be set in the old universe and have to deal with the effects of having the Romulon Empire close down shop over night.[/QUOTE]

Oh that's easy for the TNG universe. The Klingons had been wanting their revenge on Romulus for quite some time, I'm sure they would have invaded by now and established a new Klingon empire there.




If the new series mentions Red Matter, I might have to shoot the TV with a shotgun.



How about one tossed far into the future? Starfleet in shambles, some other major race in power and devestating the quandrants. Post-Space-Apocolyptia ftw.




I actually have a great idea for a sci-fi show that I think would be awesome if it was set in the Star Trek universe but sadly I don't think anyone would actually go for it.




I'd like to see one from maybe another factions perspective, or even civilians of the federation. Move the focus away from starfleet




After Enterprise, I'm praying the opposite.
Any new series is ether going to be set in the new universe created by the latest Star Trek film or is going to be set in the old universe and have to deal with the effects of having the Romulon Empire close down shop over night.[/QUOTE]

Oh that's easy for the TNG universe. The Klingons had been wanting their revenge on Romulus for quite some time, I'm sure they would have invaded by now and established a new Klingon empire there.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly what happens in Star Trek Online.




GRIMDARK should not be used for the Star Trek Universe. It was always about the clean, shining future for mankind in the stars.



Which is exactly why it's gotten stale.



GRIMDARK should not be used for the Star Trek Universe. It was always about the clean, shining future for mankind in the stars.

Right.. the intention was that it was always supposed to be something that we, NOW, could attain and aspire to, something to look forward to, and hope. Yes it's fiction, but the aspirations are the same.



Yes, I agree that was the original intent.

I also feel that a change of scenery would revive the series.




How about Post-Dominion Cardassia or a show from a Klingon crew's PoV? Just something....else.


Element 117




Yes, I agree that was the original intent.

I also feel that a change of scenery would revive the series.

Having the words Star Trek on it isn't enough to make a show Star Trek... why not just make a new show instead?! Oh right, brand recognition...



Not just brand recognition, but seeing the norms you're used to, shifted, put into new perspectives and objectives. It would be interesting.




GRIMDARK should not be used for the Star Trek Universe. It was always about the clean, shining future for mankind in the stars.
GRIMDARK was the entire reality of the Cardassian Occupation and the Dominion War in DS9... it's also the best arc of ANY of the Star Trek seasons. Yes, it DOES run counter to Roddenberry's vision of a future where mankind was enlightened and that it was beyond compromising it's values, but it also provided a much more realistic portrayal of events by showing just what the Federations ideals would cause in the long run: Destruction or enslavement of the Federation by enemies more than willing to not play by the same rules.



Exactly. I'm currently watching DS9 for the first time (sadly had put it off for all this time) and I'm easily enjoying it more than the pristine series' prior. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a TNG fan above all else, but DS9 is amazing for it's gritty realism and having to bend on some of the more "flawless Federation" standards.

I'd like to see a series where the Federation "loses" though, and is in shambles, struggling to recover against whatever force ousted them. Having to rig new technology from whatever they have left, finding new ways around old standards while still attempting to uphold what made them "Starfleet".




DS9 was dark for a Trek series, but in a post BSG world that's not going to be enough... and DS9 is kinda what i was referring to when saying it's not going to really be ST. Great show, but it would have been better in it's own universe where it could actually handle some stuff without being constrained by what came before, making some stuff feel off (Babylon 5 says hi btw).

Don't get me wrong, I'm still a TNG fan above all else



That's where I disagree. It was THAT much more powerful BECAUSE it was the uniform and standards we all know, having to compromise and make harder decisions. If it had just been some new nameless society, it wouldn't have had the same impact.



I'd like to see a series where the Federation "loses" though, and is in shambles, struggling to recover against whatever force ousted them. Having to rig new technology from whatever they have left, finding new ways around old standards while still attempting to uphold what made them "Starfleet".
Wasn't that what Voyager originally intended to do? A ship completely alone, with limited fuel and weapons, no allies and a dwindling crew containing a mix of starfleet and terrorists. Having to compromise values for the sake of their very survival, cobbling together what technology they found just to get them one step closer to home. Instead we got... Voyager.



They had the right idea, bad execution.

Though I still did enjoy Voyager for what it was.




having to compromise and make harder decisions.
That's what the original series was all about though - Kirk was always running counter to the "rules" in the name of what's "right or necessary".

Further, the "struggling federation" idea is present in the series reboot. Now they have no vulcan, which lent a huge hand in stabilizing relations with other races and bringing them into the federation. They are at odds with the klingons and a host of other races.

I suspect that a lot of what people want - the free-wheeling captain and the unstable federation - is already contained in the reboot, and any new series they do MUST be born of the reboot because that's where the series is right now. They can't pander to some small geek niche - they have to start off where the movie left us (moving forward or backward, sure, but with that as the central axis), they have to appeal to a very large audience.

Further, it's going to have to tie in with the next few movies.

Whether the result is any good or not, who knows, but the movie was good enough that if they can provide that in a series, I believe it would be worth watching.



Oh I'm sure the reboot would make a good series, I'm just saying it would be "more of the same". Just different scenery and characters. The Federation and Starfleet are still the pristine/paradise that they always were.

Kirk broke rules, made for interesting scenes, but the overall theme was still there. I'm saying a full on "theme change" would make for interesting watching.




That's where I disagree. It was THAT much more powerful BECAUSE it was the uniform and standards we all know, having to compromise and make harder decisions. If it had just been some new nameless society, it wouldn't have had the same impact.
Yeah, it looked more gritty then it was because you where so used to TNG's Federation... my idea was that they could have done more with it... Babylon 5 certainly did.

But DS9 didn't go very far off, the Federation was still pretty utopic, it was just dealing with a war... and that's the thing, ST is about humanity reaching it's potential for good... while still kicking ass and taking names... and that's why Kirk is better then Picard...

Leave deconstruction to a parody or something. Or remake Andromeda and don't screw it up this time half way through the first season.

ST is the show that had Martin Luther King Jr. consider it too important for Uhura to quit it... it should always be hopeful and forward looking... making it gritty (by today's standards) won't work so well with that.

The idea for the cartoon wasn't bad though... just don't go overboard with the angst and speciesm...

Kirk broke rules, made for interesting scenes, but the overall theme was still there. I'm saying a full on "theme change" would make for interesting watching.
And for another show...

And Enterprise kinda did try that...



having to compromise and make harder decisions.
That's what the original series was all about though - Kirk was always running counter to the "rules" in the name of what's "right or necessary".

Further, the "struggling federation" idea is present in the series reboot. Now they have no vulcan, which lent a huge hand in stabilizing relations with other races and bringing them into the federation. They are at odds with the klingons and a host of other races.

I suspect that a lot of what people want - the free-wheeling captain and the unstable federation - is already contained in the reboot, and any new series they do MUST be born of the reboot because that's where the series is right now. They can't pander to some small geek niche - they have to start off where the movie left us (moving forward or backward, sure, but with that as the central axis), they have to appeal to a very large audience.

Further, it's going to have to tie in with the next few movies.

Whether the result is any good or not, who knows, but the movie was good enough that if they can provide that in a series, I believe it would be worth watching.[/QUOTE]

I think the new series should follow the movie. It would make sense to the new audience who LOVEd the new movie (It did do pretty well right?) They shouldn't tapped to the "old stuff" cause then the old fans (which is still a lot) will be torn between the "old style" and "reboot of old style"

now the new world can create a whole different time line and new stories. It would be more interesting to see starfleet in shambles (similar to STO) without the vulcans and see where that leads.

You know that the Klingon does have a pretty itchy trigger finger and the Romulans are always ready to fight ;)




Can the new series be set in the mirror universe, with a rebel group of klingon, romulan, and vulcan freedom fighters out against the terran empire?

Pretty please?




The episode in DS9 where wharf





Didn't they have to get treated by the Dock?
