New Version of Steam

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Staff member
Came out yesterday. How's everyone liking it?

Personally I really love the new look. The old Steam was kind of clunky looking, while the new is a lot sleeker.

I haven't used it enough to know if it really provides any major boost in functionality. The in-game overlay is laid out differently (and thankfully no longer uses IE as it's browser) but I'm not sure if it's anything more than streamlining.

It is nice that the details for a game show what friends play the game (I keep forgetting to see if that carries over to inviting players to an online match) as well as news (not just from Steam, either) and other nice game details.


Staff member
I like the new look, but the in-game functions take a little getting used to (i.e. they moved stuff around and I have to find out where they put it).
No more fucking IE thank you very much, now i can finally be logged in in the client itself so no more going to FF to see private profiles of friends...

But the UI could use better definition, the visible tabs worked better, and the List View for games should be the default imo. More substance to go with the Flash pls... :)
After the update, I get "Fatal Error: Failed to load platform modules" when I try to start Steam, and it won't start at all.

And apparently my Google-fu sucks because I haven't been able to find a solution.

This is irritating.

EDIT: Wait, wait, I fixed it. My Google-fu was merely rusty, rather than sucky.

Steven Soderburgin

The new Steam is insanely better than the old one. I was participating in the beta when it first started and I wasn't crazy about it then, but they improved and changed it immensely and right before the official release, I went back to the old UI just to see and good lord did it feel clunky and look terrible. I guess that's what happens when you're still running a 5 year old UI.
The old UI was about as functional, even if it wasn't as pretty... and this one really could use the visible tabs the old one had.

But of course it runs better, no more IE...
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