New Year, New goals, New Support Thread!

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The Insanity Workout thread has inspired me to get off my ass and start working out for real again. I'd hit a major plateau and was just maintaining for a good year. So I'm back in the saddle, baby, and I'm enjoying it very much. I haven't really pushed myself physically in a long time... just kind of drifted through my moderate daily exercises. Over the Christmas break, I worked out with Jake, but then I came back here and it tapered off.

My goals:

*Walk 2 miles a day, 5-6 times a week, at a challenging pace; then work my way up to a jog (I've managed a little jogging so far, but I'm just not in shape enough yet. But I'm pushing myself.) I want to do this FOREVER as long as I have both my legs and my health.

*To have a calorie deficit at the end of the day. I'm keeping a journal again and figured out an average of what I burn daily with regular exercise. I wanna stay below it every day, NOT just on weekdays... Saturdays and Sundays too. I haven't kept track in months.

*To relax about weight loss and focus on the "feeling good" aspect of this. The more I stress about fitting into smaller clothes, the less fun this is for me. So far so good.

Now I want to hear your goals! Tell me what you want to accomplish that I might cheer you on!
*To have a calorie deficit at the end of the day. I'm keeping a journal again and figured out an average of what I burn daily with regular exercise. I wanna stay below it every day, NOT just on weekdays... Saturdays and Sundays too. I haven't kept track in months.
So, does this mean one who's exercising is supposed to be burning more calories in a day than they're gaining with food?


Staff member
Or anyone who wants to lose weight. You don't have to exercise to have a calorie deficit at the end of the day, though.
I guess I don't know anything with this. I thought if you burned a couple hundred calories a day through exercise that that was good.


Staff member
That is good! And if you're exercising and eating a normal amount of food, then you probably are ending the day with fewer calories than you burned. It's a very common trap, however, to eat a lot more when you exercise and end the day with more calories eaten than burned. I'm recording what I eat to make sure that doesn't happen. Or, if you prefer, I'm overthinking it. :p
Good luck CG! You can dooo eeeettt!

I am trying to make myself swim every morning. I live near campus and part of my tuition pays for access to an outstanding exercise facility and I barely use it. Just 20 minutes of swimming a day is all I want to do.
How are you tracking your caloric intake? I ask because I have used Cron-o-meter in the past. It's a pain in the ass to set up, but once you do it's a pretty good way to keep track of daily intake.


Staff member
Just a food journal. I also cross-referenced a bunch of sources to find out how much a person my weight burns in a day at rest, and then I figure in my calories burned during exercise. Then I'll usually lower that number a bit, because I don't want to overestimate what I need. If I'm ever in doubt of what I've burned, I just try to stay around 1900 calories.

I'm reading through the site now... I'll take a better look at it when I'm more awake. It's bedtime. But thank you for letting me know about it. :)
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