Aliens vs. Predator to Remain Uncut in Australia
Bryn Williams | Dec 18, 2009 Australia will get a full uncut release of Rebellion's new shooter.
It must be the holiday spirit because Sega has been cut a significant break in Australia. We recently reported that Sega/Rebellion's upcoming
Aliens vs. Predator was in danger of being refused classification, but word comes in today via
IGN Games' Australian editors that the game has been given a MA15+ rating and will be released completely uncut.
\"It is with great pleasure that we announce the success of our appeal,\" commented Darren Macbeth, Managing Director,
SEGA Australia. \"We are particularly proud that the game will be released in its original entirety, with no content altered or removed whatsoever.
This is a big win for Australian gamers. We applaud the Classification Review Board on making a decision that clearly considers the context of the game, and is in line with the modern expectations of reasonable Australians.\"
Other games such as Valve's zombie-bullet-fest Left 4 Dead 2 were not so lucky.