So I'm nearing completion of Dill's next adventure. It's a murder mystery this time around and the novel actually opens with the description of a dead body. In some ways, it actually feels better written than my first go-around. Right now, the working title is
The Dame was a Tad Polish. Given that Dill's co-star this time around is a mutant frog, I'm rather digging the title.
Anyway, why is this Halforum related? Well, since I'm nearing completion, I've started putting consideration into the book's extras. Acknowledgements, dedications, maybe an introduction this time around. For starters, I'd like to put both @
Terrik and @
bhamv3 in the acknowledgements for helping with Cantonese swear words. Secondly, I'm considering two things:
1) Dedicating the book to our dearly departed @
North_Ranger. I don't think he ever got to buy or read my first book, but I know he was just as big a supporter of my writing like many of you.
2) Given that introductions are generally written by someone other than the author, I'm considering two people for the job: Darren Lamere, who writes the Dramatis Personae series at Pro Se. He wrote a really glowing Amazon review for the book. He also helped me with a tough bit of writer's block I had recently on the book, which in turn led to the creation of the chapter I wrote recently: "The Most Awkward Fight Scene Ever."
The other person in consideration? @
Zero Esc, who has bounced ideas around, wrote a great review on Amazon, is arguably one of my biggest fans (or at least supporters), and helped edit my last book.
What do you guys think?