Sadly, this is a trailer for a book and not an actual movie:
I so wish that this was going to be a movie
Hailey Knight
Seems like a lot of trouble to go through promoting a book. My guess is they're hoping to use this as a showcase and if the book does well, there will be some kind of film medium, even if it's just DTV.
Silver Jelly
Sounds logical.
Saw this trailer late last week. Saw the book two days ago at Barnes & Noble. If all proceeds apace, I will finish the book....later today. It is amazing! Light reading, to be sure, but it manages a good balance between humor and suspense. Extensive Trek knowledge a plus, obviously, but not a necessity.
Why the heck isn't this a real fanfilm?!
I dunno if that's the plan. Quirk books has a history of doing these trailers.
Has anyone READ Night of the Living Trekkies, though? I saw it in HMV yesterday and contemplated picking it up. There are a number of zombie titles out now that I want to look into