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Nintendo 3DS! it is sexy!




That is pretty cool.
3D photography capability
thumb controller and larger screen :) yay~!




Backward Compatability
3D customizable (turn off, select level of 3D)
SD card slot
Motion sensors
Charging Dock

Christ, I'm sold. This looks like a sweet little machine.




I'm still going to wait for the next version of it, unless it removes backwards compatibility.




I'm still going to wait for the next version of it, unless it removes backwards compatibility.
...why would you not want backwards compatibility?



...why would you not want backwards compatibility?
I think he meant that if the "next version" doesn't have backwards compatibility, he will buy this new sexy 3DS ;)



-sigh- Nothing but respect Ashburner, but you might as well be saying "I don't feel like buying the PS2, I'm going to wait for the PS3" Why bother getting the PS3 if the PS4 will be out after that?




-sigh- Nothing but respect Ashburner, but you might as well be saying "I don't feel like buying the PS2, I'm going to wait for the PS3" Why bother getting the PS3 if the PS4 will be out after that?
Nintendo released -4- different versions of the DS. The GBA and GBC had 3, while the original GB had something like 5. Each was usually a significant improvement over the last. So no, I'm not saying that I'm waiting for the next console... I'm saying "I'm not going to buy that big, buggy PS2... I'm going to wait until they release the much improved PS2 Slim, which is smaller, runs better, and costs less."

It's just like how I waited for the DSLite instead of buying the first DS: I knew the first console would have problems, so I waited until they released the improved one.




Looking at that list of stuff... what could they add?




It's just like how I waited for the DSLite instead of buying the first DS: I knew the first console would have problems, so I waited until they released the improved one.
Same here. I didn't buy a GBA, I waited for the GBA-SP. I also waited for the DS Lite. Chances are I'll wait for whatever 3DS upgrade gets released in a couple years. It'll have a better or bigger screen, longer battery life, a tweaked design and who knows what else. (and if it's not a significant improvement, I'll get the old version for cheaper.)



But your argument still falls to "Why did you get the DSlite when you could have waited for the DSliteXL?" "Why did you get the DSliteXL when you could have gotten the 3DS"? etc etc

This is what I personally did for my son.

I would buy the latest incarnation, and when the newer version would come out, I'd sell the old one on craigslist for more than the gamestores were offering, then buy the new version for practically nothing.




Looking at that list of stuff... what could they add?
Increased camera resolution.
Bigger screen size, like the DSi XL
Better quality 3D screen with wider viewing angles.
Improved battery life or a slimmer form factor.
Support for new wireless standards.
Built-in cordless charging, like a Powermat or similar.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

The battery power is real my putting-off point. I expect a new version by Christmas 2011.




I guess I'm a stone age gamer. :)




But your argument still falls to "Why did you get the DSlite when you could have waited for the DSliteXL?" "Why did you get the DSliteXL when you could have gotten the 3DS"? etc etc.
I waited for the GBA-SP because I wanted a lighted screen (without having to resort to major console surgery.) I didn't wait for a DS (or a micro) because I was satisfied with the console at that point.
I waited for a DS-Lite because I thought the original DS was clunky in design and had kind of washed-out looking screens. The DSi XL came out 4 years after the DS Lite. 6 years is too long to wait for a larger screen. Again, I bought the system when I was satisfied that it would be a form factor I'd be happy with.

I'll probably wait for the 3DS successor because, while I haven't seen the 3D in person, I'm concerned about the viewing angles and the screen size. I've never liked how small the DS screens are, and I'm hoping Nintendo will realize there's a market for a larger size, if they do it quickly enough.




But your argument still falls to "Why did you get the DSlite when you could have waited for the DSliteXL?" "Why did you get the DSliteXL when you could have gotten the 3DS"? etc etc

This is what I personally did for my son.

I would buy the latest incarnation, and when the newer version would come out, I'd sell the old one on craigslist for more than the gamestores were offering, then buy the new version for practically nothing.
With the DS, that wasn't an issue. I wanted the backwards compatibility with the GBA, but they took that out in the post DSLite versions, so there was no reason to upgrade. I also saw that the DSi wouldn't be necessary because most developers wouldn't make things that used hardware that wasn't standard with the DS line. That was a correct decision as the DSi never had any "exclusive" games that I had to get.

I'm not waiting for "the best" version of the 3DS. I'm simply waiting for a BETTER version of it.



Tha'ts just it, most of the time (not in the DSlite backwards lack of compatibility of course) there will always be a "better" version over the horizon.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

Waiting for the second incarnation isn't about having the best version. It will be about having the one that fixes any complaints and hardware issues the first one had.




Waiting for the second incarnation isn't about having the best version. It will be about having the one that fixes any complaints and hardware issues the first one had.
Exactly! I've learned that it's never best to get a first run model of ANYTHING video game related anymore. My PS2 stopped working after 3 years (lost it's PS1 ability within 6 months), my brother's PS3 had to be sent back, my first GBA had problems... I'm just going to wait until they have a new model out.




Exactly! I've learned that it's never best to get a first run model of ANYTHING video game related anymore. My PS2 stopped working after 3 years (lost it's PS1 ability within 6 months), my brother's PS3 had to be sent back, my first GBA had problems... I'm just going to wait until they have a new model out.
It's pretty much a rule of the industry. The first version is cautious (only one big change, everything else is bog standard), quickly developed (buggy), and expensive (don't know how popular it will be, and it hasn't been cost reduced).

You don't buy a new windows OS until they've released service pack 3.

You don't buy the original iPhone.

If you know better, you don't buy the car if it's just been refreshed or is a new design.




Definitely true on that last one. I bought the new Beetle as soon as it came out. I was so excited. A year later, they bought it back from me because I was threatening Lemon Law. 26 times in the shop out of the first year. And according to Edmunds at the time, I was far, far from alone.




I'm also waiting a few months to get the 3DS. Nintendo ALWAYS has a slight upgrade to their handhelds just a few months after they're released.
I waited on the GBA for a bit. Glad I did because the GBA-SP was mega WIN. In fact, I loved it so much that I ended up with 3 as they kept releasing new colors...
I also went through 3 DS's... And I didn't get a DSLite because Mike bought one for himself and I honestly didn't need to buy a 4th. Then came the DSLiteXL... also passed on that and I think I'm going to get the 3DS. Time for a mega upgrade!



Is it just me or does the visual quality of the various game screenshots look all over the place? Some look barely better than the DS, while others look Wii quality or better.




Is it just me or does the visual quality of the various game screenshots look all over the place? Some look barely better than the DS, while others look Wii quality or better.
Not just you. Some of the launch titles are most likely former DS titles, moved over to give publishers something to release.

With a 3 1/2 hour battery life, I think I'm going to wait on this one. Certainly at least until some more games come out for it. I'm not wowed by the launch titles.



Frankie Williamson

250 bucks for a handheld (Probably end up 300 Canadian, because that's how the video game industry rolls up here)? I'm out till they release the new version and the old ones get cheaper.




I'm still happy with my gen one DS. I want this day one, slight modifications in the future be damned.




While I think that system is incredibly sexy, that is some serious dough for that battery life and without any immediately discernable killer titles.

I got my 1st -gen PSP for that price with Lumines thrown in, and it had better battery life than that.




An 8GB ipod touch is cheaper. Arguably the 3DS is more suited to gaming (having real buttons and all), and has a stereo display.

Still, it's interesting...



This is how Nintendo prints money.... While the PSP2 is going "its a touchscreen with controller buttons and more expensive games! and everyone's making an ipad clone, Nintendo always gets something new in (hey, its 3d in a handheld!)

Guess Im pre-ordering it...




I am definitely excited over the 3DS but I am having a hard time deciding if I want to pre-order it or not. On one hand I have the cash now (thanks to my tax return) and I really want it but on the other hand all the games that really catch my eye are not due till around June or later. I am also concerned about how the 3D will work for me. I have a hard time with certain 3D effects due to one of my eyes being weaker than the other. I have been able to watch 3D movies at theaters and I have tried the 3D TV's at the stores with no issue but those all use glasses so I am a little concerned about that part. But so far I am still leaning towards pre-ordering it.



I probably won't pre-order mainly I have been burn in the past with 1st gen stuff ;) So I am willing to wait for the 2nd gen of that line.



3 hours? Ugh, nevermind.... My daily commute is longer than that




I still don't understand the appeal of handheld gaming more advanced than Tetris




3 hours? Ugh, nevermind.... My daily commute is longer than that

I have to admit the battery life is really annoying me and is one of the reasons why I am trying to decide if I should pre-order it or wait a bit.

Nintendo has now updated its Japanese 3DS website to include a hardware page describing the different components of the system. Here’s the important bits about the battery:
  • 3DS charging time: 3 hours 30 minutes
  • Battery life playing 3DS games: 3-5 hours
  • Battery life playing DS games: 5-8 hours
Nintendo also state that those times are only approximate and may be shorter “depending on operating conditions”. The 8 hours upper limit stated for DS games requires the brightness of the displays be turned right down.




3 hours? Ugh, nevermind.... My daily commute is longer than that

Ok with a daily commute over 3 hours I can understand the appeal, lol



I still don't understand the appeal of handheld gaming more advanced than Tetris
I dont understand the appeal of console gaming in the living room... :-p

Anyway, I always preferred laptops and handhelds because its so pratical to carry your gaming gear and play anywhere, with anyone, without needing to hog the tv or be a slave to your chair/couch... Me and Luiza even game on the bed on rainy days, either multiplayer, or each with a different game.

And handhelds these days are just a step behind consoles anyway (iphone 4/ipad/andriod games) are even looking better than the Wii, so there,s no reason to get a console except for the odd exclusive




5-8 on DS games is better, but I might as well just stick with my DSLite then :p.



And no, i dont stay home often, the tv is for movies and I like being able to continue my game anywhere without having to return to the exact same roo to be able to do so.

BTW Dave, the edit fuction is kinda wonky of the Ds and Ipod :-p



I dont understand the appeal of console gaming in the living room... :-p

Anyway, I always preferred laptops and handhelds because its so pratical to carry your gaming gear and play anywhere, with anyone, without needing to hog the tv or be a slave to your chair/couch... Me and Luiza even game on the bed on rainy days, either multiplayer, or each with a different game.

And handhelds these days are just a step behind consoles anyway (iphone 4/ipad/andriod games) are even looking better than the Wii, so there,s no reason to get a console except for the odd exclusive
It is only matter of time where you can get a "full console game" on a portable device :) someday. It will be awesome!



Frankie Williamson

These God damn "handheld" gaming systems are too friggin small. Even when using a friend's DSXL I get all gnarled claw handed after 20 minutes.



It is only matter of time where you can get a "full console game" on a portable device :) someday. It will be awesome!
Where have you been? Handhelds are now to the level of being better than last-gen, and even some ccurrent-gen consoles.

"Full console" titles like PS1 games are avaliable on PSP, with the PSP itself having PS2-quality games (and with Ghost of Sparta, near PS3-quality), and several PSP titles beat the PS2 in terms of graphics and lenght (the two Syphon Filters, Kingdom Hearts and Resistance put PS2 games to shame, for example).

The iPad pushes better graphics and resolution than a "full console" from Nintendo (the Wii) and even has better version of games (Need for Speed, Brothers in Rams, Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia and Dead Space games play and look better on the iPad).

Seeing handheld screens are smaller and push more pixels per inch than tv displays, one can have an equal/or better experience with handhelds, and enjoy "full console games" anywhere, anytime, with wi-fi/online multiplayer even in a bathroom, bus or train.




These God damn "handheld" gaming systems are too friggin small. Even when using a friend's DSXL I get all gnarled claw handed after 20 minutes.
I don't know why you're having such problems. My 4 year old can play for hours at a time with no issues whatsoever.



That's why I loved my PSP so much, if I ever felt like I didn't want to see the small screen I would just component hook it up to my TV and it became a regular "controller".



Not to mention Dragonquest IX on the DS easily put all JRPGS that came out in current-gen consoles to shame.




Ah, one of the many times that my small hands are an advantage. I've never had a problem with handhelds being too small.



Real life photo of figmentPez:
