BlackCat said:
I do I'm just saying that if I want to get the next Nintendo system I want more fuctionality out of it.
Let's just go over the amount of fail in your post.
My friends I think Nintendo has failed to market a suitable console to this current generation.
I know the Wii is marketed towards family gaming but so is the 360 and Playstation 3. I know
they've had a lot of sales but I've believe they've just gone stagnat.
Me personally I would like more fuctionality out of a system that what the Wii now offers. I like
to be able to surf the web, watch movies, etc. The Wii has none of that. I know they want it
affordable but still c'mon.
If I want to play Nintendo games I'll play it on an old good fashioned Gamecube.
1. Nintendo is far and away the console leader this generation, both portable and home console, including software sales.
2. Microsoft and Sony are NOT marketed as family consoles.
3. Nintendo was #1 in hardware and software sales last month, and had the #1 selling software title in January.
4. You can surf the web on a Wii.
5. Netflix movies are soon available on Wii.
6. Nintendo games are coming out in less than 3 months for Wii, not Gamecube.
That's not to say there aren't drawbacks for the Wii, like the overuse of waggle, the clusterfuck of bad shovelware from third parties, or the lack of HD visuals, and if you want to get on Nintendo for that go for it. They've earned it. However, coming into a thread specifically about the announcement of two big Nintendo games in a few months talking about how Nintendo has failed and stagnated is incredibly obtuse.