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No hippies for Texas...




They have a hair length policy at my son's elementary school. I don't like it, but it doesn't seem unusual enough for a news story.



You know... I wonder if girl's hair have to follow the same code. If not, it doesn't make any sense.




You know... I wonder if girl's hair have to follow the same code. If not, it doesn't make any sense.
Of course they don't. Girls probably have to have hair longer than boys.



I agree that it is a stupid rule but if it is a choice between just cutting the boys hair or having him sit alone all day, just cut the damn hair.




Texas is weird. I've kept my hair far longer than the boy in the vid for years and my schools never gave a damn. The kids in Cadet Corps were the only ones who had hair rules. If they have such a problem with the hair they should offer to pay for the haircut themselves.




Maybe it's just me but I'm getting a video about some dead teenager instead of one about a long haired kid.

Anyway, /shrug. Stupid, but not worth raising a fuss about IMO.




it's not everywhere in texas. Where I live, there are lots of boys in school with long hair.



My roommate's from Lubbock, TX and his middle school would lock boys in the office with a pair of scissors and wouldn't let them out until they cut it below a certain length.




They have a hair length policy at my son's elementary school. I don't like it, but it doesn't seem unusual enough for a news story.

What's unusual is that they're not cutting the hair and fighting it...

And prevalence makes it no less retarded...




I'm thinking, so what? here.




They have a hair length policy at my son's elementary school. I don't like it, but it doesn't seem unusual enough for a news story.

What's unusual is that they're not cutting the hair and fighting it...

And prevalence makes it no less retarded...[/QUOTE]

Isn't that exactly what I said?



I think the school is afraid of "the gays" you know.. men with long hair and umm.. ummm.... I got nothing

(actually I have no clue why they would ban long hair if women can have long hair. That is the only "logical" solution I can think of)




I don't like peppers, doesn't mean i think they're retarded...


Fun Size

Fun Size

I don't like peppers, doesn't mean i think they're retarded...
You ever try to have a conversation with one of them?




My high school (in tx) had that same rule along with no facial hair (only for guys, girls could have facial hair)



i died a little inside watching this video

the kid is fucking 4.. seriously what is the problem with his hair at that age? a teenager doing it, ok hes prolly doing it to rebel but 4?!?

and i'd love to hear them explain the double standard if they didnt make girls cut their hair
