Nostalgia Chick survives Armageddon!

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Where HAS she been, for real? Anyone know?

Honestly, I think she's lost her touch somewhere during her 3-month exodus. I didn't find this review all that great, it was poorly edited and the sound was pretty bad.

That and I effing hate that Michael Bay impersonator guy. I think he's just annoying.
"As they are trying to leave the planet, suddenly Affleck stops the movie again"

Jesus Christ, I LOLed hard.
I was at a yard sale a while ago, and someone near me had a VHS of Armageddon in her hand. She was on her cellphone, asking someone if they had heard of a movie with Bruce Willis called "Ammagedron."


She only covered half of the movie. I don't care if it's to be continued, I want the rest now. If she didn't have enough time to do a full review, than she should have waited till she did.


Staff member
only could watch it sunday, loved, specially the animal cracker scene, and loved the "frolicking in the woods" bit xD
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