I thought that was one of his better/funnier reviews in a while. Lots of interesting points in there. I'm sure someone else has probably said it before the Critic, but I never really thought how ridiculous it would look if Frodo turned into a wraith.
Personally, I'm not too keen on the Bakshi version of
Lord of the Rings, but that might be because I saw it after the movie and therefore hold no nostalgia for it. I mean, it wasn't horrible, but I couldn't get over everyone milking the invisible cow. That and, you know, Sam being a bit loony. I did agree with the Critic that Aragorn didn't seem to posses a hugely convincing kingly side in Jackson's version, as well as his criticism of how things looked when Frodo put on the ring. I mean, what the heck? Was that supposed to have happened every time Bilbo put it on, too? How the heck could he spy on those elves and shit with everything going up in smoke? I bet it's not going to look like that in the future
Hobbit movie.
I do remember enjoying the
Hobbit cartoon, though I saw that ages ago and was a little freaked out by the psychedelic deaths.
Bowielee said:
I like Ralph Bakshi, but GOD, does that man get lazy with the Rotoscoping sometimes.
Yeah, that drove me nuts, too.