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Nostalgic Food




So tonight, thanks to odd circumstances I came across a Double Whopper w/Cheese, large fries and a Dr Pepper. Many years ago (I think 9th/10th grade) I had 3 of these per week (calories and fat nullfiied by the 3 mile run to the Burger King and the 3 mile walk back). The taste of the way this exact meal is made, became part of my permanent memory palette.

I took one bite of the burger, fries and drink tonight and sure enough *BAM* I was hit with the nostalgic memory of where I lived at the time, the run through the woodlands, the walk back after such an awesome meal, and the feeling it gave me afterwards with a night of FFVII.

What food sends you reeling into nostalgic bliss?




In junior high, everyday for lunch I would get a french bread pizza. bag of crinkle fries, and some ranch dressing to dip both in. Now, even years later, whenever I have a french bread pizza, I get a rush of nostalgia of sitting in the cafeteria, joking around with my buddies while we scarf down food.




Mike and Ikes. I had a friend who worked at the local paper subbing station (insertion the various sections). Almost every week would be coupons for free Mike and Ikes. For 4 years I never bought Mike and Ikes and never was without them.




They're harder and harder to find, but Charleston Chew with the vanilla center. I used to get them on road trips as a kid when we'd drive to visit family for the holidays. Also, Cherry Pepsi. It was my favorite soda as a kid and living in Coke Country now it's not as abundant.


General Specific

General Specific

Peanut Butter and Banana sandwiches.

Had them all the time when I was growing up. Still get the craving for them every now and then.




I have one with the opposite effect: Kraft Dinner (boxed macaroni and cheese).

My childhood babysitter would serve us this for lunch so often that it began to repulse me and even make me ill. Now as a young adult I can still detect it's smell even hours after it's been cooked, and it's enough to make me queasy.




When I was a kid, I used to love McFeast hamburgers. Two days ago, after having not had one for two or three years, I tried one. It wasn't as good as I remembered. *sighs*

Other items:
- chicken panini (had THE BEST panini in my life in the college cafeteria in Ireland, of all places. Nothing I've tasted since holds a candle to it :( )
- Number of dishes that Mom has mastered to epic perfection: homemade meatballs, homemade pancakes with sugar, beef and dill sauce with potatoes
- Smoked lake herring




Taco bell. The Mountain Dew fountain there was broke so there was a good chance you would only get the syrup. For some reason we thought it was a good idea to drink that horrid stuff.



(calories and fat nullfiied by the 3 mile run to the Burger King and the 3 mile walk back).
I've always been a nutrition/calorie counter just out of rational curiosity.
double whopper with cheese + large fries + large coke = 1900 calories, 4 ounces of fat, 2 grams of salt, and 3.5 ounces of sugar.

Burn roughly 100 calories for every 60 mins of running.

Couldn't help but mentioning :p




I don't think those numbers apply to a 15/16yr old with a high metabolism, with part of the run (maybe 10mins of it) being uphill.







I don't think those numbers apply to a 15/16yr old with a high metabolism, with part of the run (maybe 10mins of it) being uphill.
Doesn't change the fact that its more than half a pound of pure fat & sugars.
That just frightens me...then again, so do tapirs.




-> Those little oatmeal pies. Mom used to give them to me and my little brother after school.

-> Peppercorn pastramii and pralines remind me of my grandma on my mom's side. I used to spend weeks of the summer at my grandma's apartment, and we'd make pralines and eat peppercorn pastrami sandwiches almost every day for lunch.

-> Arugula reminds me of my first trip away from Louisiana with my dad. He goes on lots of trips for depositions, and I got to go with him to Washington D.C. He took me to my first really fancy restaurant, and I had a my first salad with something besides plain green leaf or iceberg lettuce. It was peppery and delicious.




*shrug* I was a stick in high school.



Frankie Williamson

*shrug* I was a stick in high school.
Outward appearance means NOTHING to cholesterol and organ fat!




Grilled cheese sandwich and Campbells Tomato soup. If I eat that combination of food, I am eight years old again just coming in for lunch from building a snowman.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I don't think those numbers apply to a 15/16yr old with a high metabolism, with part of the run (maybe 10mins of it) being uphill.
Doesn't change the fact that its more than half a pound of pure fat & sugars.
That just frightens me...then again, so do tapirs.[/QUOTE]

A lot of people ate shit when they were kids. Hence those potato chip commercials where "my husband thinks he can still eat like a teenager". Well, sure, he CAN eat like a teenager, he just has to suffer consequences that a teenager's body likely doesn't. This is also how some people fail to eventually get on the healthy eating road when they do reach adulthood and their metabolism slows down. But as a 15-16 year old, I doubt Shego had any issues from it.

On-topic, with nostalgic food, I wanna go for my staple, but it's also my favorite meal, and that's probably because it's nostalgic--tuna sandwich, pickle on the side, pretzels, and tomato soup. Reminds me of summer afternoons sitting on the back porch, watching the dogs run around or drying off after a Super Soaker fight, or just reading.



I don't think those numbers apply to a 15/16yr old with a high metabolism, with part of the run (maybe 10mins of it) being uphill.
Doesn't change the fact that its more than half a pound of pure fat & sugars.
That just frightens me...then again, so do tapirs.[/QUOTE]

Haha, at 15/16 I was playing two sports in high school. Between me and my dad, my mom would spend about 400 dollars a week on groceries. I would literally have something like 6 eggs, a bowl of cereal, half a package of bacon, toast, and three oatmeal bars for breakfast. McDonalds and Burger King were always frequent stops. God I wish I could still eat like that. Now I gain like 30 pounds looking at a fucking hamburger.

Some guys would wake up after a drunken night next to an ugly woman. I would wake up with crumpled hamburger wrappers and fries in my bed. Oh wait that was college...


Yoohoo. It always reminds me of living in NYC. The owners of the corner deli knew my parents and they would give me a Yoohoo after school when I walked home. Ah to be 6 again. Yes, I walked home from school at age six about 6 blocks in the middle of Queens. Nowadays you hear stories about how terrible a mother is for letting her 9 year old ride the subway. I swear this whole generation of over coddled children is going to be such a bunch of whiny pussies.




For me, nostalgic would be regular spaghetti with a kind of sauce my mom makes. I used to love it as a kid, and even today, I find it tastes delicious and also brings back memories.

One time a couple of years ago, I asked mom to make this spaghetti for my birthday dinner. But she used this spice mixture called "Herbs of Provence" instead of the old black pepper.

I still occasionally mention that incident to her when we talk about food.




When I was young, my family lived near a Rally's (Checker's) and I always remember absolutely loving their fries. We moved to a different part of the city when I was four years old and it wasn't until this past summer when I started working near another Rally's that I finally had their fries again. They were still delicious. :D




For me, nostalgic would be regular spaghetti with a kind of sauce my mom makes. I used to love it as a kid, and even today, I find it tastes delicious and also brings back memories.

One time a couple of years ago, I asked mom to make this spaghetti for my birthday dinner. But she used this spice mixture called "Herbs of Provence" instead of the old black pepper.

I still occasionally mention that incident to her when we talk about food.
You mean spagetti ja jauhelihakastike? Dude, I love that ^.^ I used to make it myself for years. Haven't done so in a while, though. Overexposure, I s'pose.



Taco bell. The Mountain Dew fountain there was broke so there was a good chance you would only get the syrup. For some reason we thought it was a good idea to drink that horrid stuff.
There was the exact same kind of fountain at a shitty movie theater in my town in high school. My friends and I would get the mountain dew simply because it would be the sweetest thickest most syrupy soda you could ever have. I remember the horibble noises it would make as it came out of the machine. :Leyla:




I don't think those numbers apply to a 15/16yr old with a high metabolism, with part of the run (maybe 10mins of it) being uphill.
Doesn't change the fact that its more than half a pound of pure fat & sugars.
That just frightens me...then again, so do tapirs.[/QUOTE]

Haha, at 15/16 I was playing two sports in high school. Between me and my dad, my mom would spend about 400 dollars a week on groceries. [/QUOTE]
When my brother and I were both playing football in high school, we would often eat a large pizza each for dinner. Now a large pizza is dinner for 4 (for the next few years, at least).



If I can pick one nostalgic food?
French bread pizza.


Rob King

Rob King

When I was a kid, every Sunday was dad's night to make supper. Every Sunday it would be grilled cheese sandwiches. Even today my entire family refers to grilled cheese sandwiches as "The Sunday Special."




I miss New York Seltzer. I could have drank that shit forever. Unfortunately, I don't think it's produced anymore.




Those old Snapple Elementals--discontinued, but they're still attached to a lot of memories. I used to drink the Fire and Rain flavors a lot as a kid. My friends and I would keep the old glass bottles. In fact, the fellow and I save our spare change in old Snapple bottles.




Those old Snapple Elementals--discontinued, but they're still attached to a lot of memories. I used to drink the Fire and Rain flavors a lot as a kid. My friends and I would keep the old glass bottles. In fact, the fellow and I save our spare change in old Snapple bottles.
Man, I LOVED Fire. I completely forgot about those.




Dragonfruit! :D Yum yum. One of those things could last me forever. The old bottles were so HUGE! I love glass bottles, but you never see them anymore. Just not practical.




A few of my friends work for the school district so they usually get to take home extra cafeteria food. I was over at their house one day and we had "charred patties with cheese." Nope, they weren't even called cheeseburgers. They're just halfway decent beef with a slice of American cheese on a whole wheat bun. The recipe hasn't been changed since we were in elementary school. Aside from pizza, the charred patties were probably the only cafeteria food that my classmates and I LIKED. Everybody would want to trade for them.

I took one bite and half-expected my friends to offer their pudding cups in exchange for that imitation cheeseburger.


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

Pizza bagels! Omnomnomnom




Golden grahams and nerds. neither of which can be found in the UK anymore, aside from import stores, at a ridiculous markup.

When i had weetos afters a long while, i thought 'hang on. this doesn't taste as nice as it used to'. i chalked it up to getting older, and the nostalgia filter.

then I found out that the bastards had reduced the sugar levels since i had been young. FUCKERS. ):<
