Not sure what to think...

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Don't know how many of you have seen this blog post about two guys who approached Rob Liefeld at a comics convention, asked him to apologize for Heroes Reborn (whatever that is), and then, after he refused, presented him with a gift: Specifically, a copy of How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way.

I'm not a fan of Liefeld's art, and in abstract the idea of presenting him with a drawing book seems pretty hilarious, but in this case it just seemed like a stupid prank done by a couple of mouth-breathing douchebags. Maybe it was the presentation- simply putting the book in front of him, wrapped in a plastic bag, and walking away without saying anything? weak- or maybe it's just that insulting someone in person seems somehow more mean-spirited than doing it online. I just can't help feeling that this should be funnier than it is. Maybe it's just an indication that I need to spend some time in the Internet Happy Box.

Philosopher B.

Liefeld apparently tells the story a bit differently:

Leifeld's Twitter said:
@mikechoi, both Marat and the rest of my crew were witness, Valentino too. I was drawing commissions, making a dent in the list...

when this mumbler comes up, trembling, I saw his friends filming so I figured it was a set up. Mumbler studders his Cap statement, I shrug..

Seriously,@mikechoi, this guy couldn't seem more nervous, like he was gonna piss his pants. I could barely hear him, told him thanks...

Said it was nice to meet you, and he was STUNNED. Guy wanted a reaction, he got zip. There was no face tightening. Valentino said to him..

"Glad you got that off your chest" as he wandered away. Later, he zipped past the table, you can see on his vid, I didn't see it...

But I felt the breeze and the bump on the table. Marat smiled and said that mumbler ran up and put his book on the table. He opened it..

We laughed and he said "Great, I needed one of these since my house burned down." I said it's yours and we continued....

Later, Marat flipped through it and we saw the note and laughed. Now dude writes a blog where he's this BMOC, acting like he was bold..

Guy looked like someone I wouldn't trust around my kids, could barely speak, almost pee'd his pants, and now he's bold. I don't thinks so.

And I love that the video doesn't match his descriptions. I'm smiling. Because that's what i do. I'm always smiling.

@TheJohnBarber, funny part is, right after that, Georg Perez came over and kissed me 3 times and gave me big hug. We have big love!
Personally, I think these guys sound like smug nerdy toolboxes who could barely stand to pull off real-life trolling in meatspace where there might actually be consequences for their actions.

But I'm sure the dude was shaking, as he described it, only because of the 'awesomeness'. :eyeroll:


So what it all boils down to is...

Internet: :smug: :toocool:

Real life: :drool: :redface:

I might be a tad cynical, but for some reason... I'm not too surprised.


Reading over both, I can't help but side for Leifield on this one. Granted, I'm not overly impressed by his art and his knack for making near exact copies of panels.

The guy even talks about how nervous he was. How he was hyperventilating (It took me over 4 hours to watch 300 for the first time). And to go through, put a book down, and just walk away, without some kind of bigger plan. It's weak. I agree with Rob, he does look like someone I wouldn't trust to be around my kids. Hell, he's someone I wouldn't trust at a convention.

I can see a number of ways how this could have been pulled off better. The idea itself is funny, but the execution was just weak.
It's not a good idea either way no matter how you do it. Unless you're someone in his industry more successful than he is, what is calling him out publicly going to do? He's going to be surrounded by friends and you're going to come off as a complete cunt. It'd be like going up to Michael Bay as some nobody and calling him out on his movies. He's going to shout, "WHAT?" at you and roll around in his trillions of dollars and you're going to look and sound like a piece of shit.
I hate myself for reading any of the utter tripe shit on their webpage.

Yes, yes, you think you are hilarious, you want so desperately to be Tycho but you aren't. You just aren't.
I don't get it. Besides getting a little exposure for a couple of hours on the internet, what was the point of writing that weird note and just dumping the book in front of him? Should have tried to have him sign the cover, share a laugh about his reputation and get a picture of yourself with him holding the signed book.


Wait, what?

I’m a pretty passionate guy. I am driven to and by certain things that I feel passionate about, and I’m not sure why. I am just compelled to follow certain interests. Sometimes they’re fruitless endeavors, but I love them. I never intended to make money off of this. I’m not sure how I could. Even if people do visit my site, I don’t make any money off of it, and never sought too.

I know that Rob was not to blame for “Heroes Reborn,” Marvel was. That’s painful to say, as I gave them every cent I had as a child, and they gave me the fantasies I craved and crave. That particular story line made me feel the way you feel now, for much of the same reasons.

The pros explained to me that the see what I did as a human rights violation, more or less, an attack on him as a person, leaving many professionals to wonder if they are next. I made people feel physically unsafe, and for this I am sorry. I never wanted that to happen.

You can call me creepy if you like, but I am not scary.

I know what I did was unacceptable.

I’ve tried to feel bad about it since then. Then I feel as though I’m betraying myself, and like I’m being manipulated in some way. I understand the problem that the pros have with me, and I understand why they feel the way they do, we had a nice little chat about that. I simply can’t feel the same way they do.

I’ve been trying to make sense of it all, and it boils down to that I’m typically a stoic person in my personal life, I don’t deal with or process emotion the same way that other people do. This is the real problem. This will likely destroy me, because I don’t think I can apologize without being insincere. I’m not saying that it’s not good or bad, just that it simply is. I’m not sure what would be worse, not apologizing, or being insincere. Even if I did apologize for actions, nothing would change for me. Calling me a douchebag, asshole, or goofy dresser will not solve anything; I was all those things before you ever met me.

There was a great deal of rage and wild speculation about me yesterday. For the most part, I missed out on this. I have a life, and I went about living it. I fail to see how hollering at me over the internet will solve anything, but continue to do so as we all seem to need a catharsis at this point.

I am a forgettable person, and will ultimately be forgotten, remember this. So please, be better than me.
Personally, I would have just walked up to him, with this printed on a piece of paper:

Put it on the table, pointed directly at it while staring him directly in the eye and say
"Explain this".


Shannow said:
Shegokigo said:
Rob Liefeld:

The Uwe Boll of the comic book world.
Tossup between Liefeld and Loeb, though really..I would say Loeb has it right now.
heroes reborn was a liefeld loeb collaboration.


despite the shit loeb has put out recently i can't wait for captain america: white...nevermind the fact its over a year late.
Liefeld created Deadpool, who is now one of Marvel's most fun characters to read. So, he's at least begat some good eventually.


Staff member
Espy said:
Loeb has at least done some good work in the past.
And what little there is has been completely obliterated by the shit he consistantly spews forth now, and has been spewing for a while. But thats another topic for another time.
Well, I can't speak for anything he's done at Marvel or even really recently. I do know that nothing can tarnish the fantasticness of Supes for All Seasons and more notably Long Halloween, etc.
Frankie said:
Liefeld created Deadpool, who is now one of Marvel's most fun characters to read. So, he's at least begat some good eventually.
And Deadpool only became fun to read AFTER Liefield no longer had hold of it.

So if someone writes a magnum opus and then proceeds to write nothing more than forgettable or even insulting tripe it should invalidate the earlier works? L. Ron Hubbard wrote a great story in "Battlefield Earth" but his scientology and "Mission Earth" fictional stories are both terrible at best and criminally negligent at worst. Yet that doesn't invalidate "Battlefield Earth" as a masterful story.
Frankie said:
Liefeld created Deadpool, who is now one of Marvel's most fun characters to read. So, he's at least begat some good eventually.
Liefeld designed Deadpool's appearance, by copying Deathstroke. Fabian Nicieza created the personality the fans crave.
What a little prick. I don't like Liefield's stuff either, but I wouldn't go out of my way to tell him. Don't buy his stuff if it bothers you so much. :angry:
Like I meant, something he had something to do with eventually became something good. So, he's not completely and utterly irredeemable, he's just mostly irredeemable.
The guy not only comes off as a pathetic puss after reading Rob's post but when he posts an apology for trying to be a dick (and failing-how the frag can you fail at being a dick?) he comes off as even a bigger loser. All that guy did was make me like Rob a little more. And I hope he burns in hell for that!


Staff member
Espy said:
Well, I can't speak for anything he's done at Marvel or even really recently. I do know that nothing can tarnish the fantasticness of Supes for All Seasons and more notably Long Halloween, etc.
We have had this discussion/argument on here before. Long Halloween is horribly over-rated.
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