Now theres one way to make sure your wife doesnt gain weight

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Row over Afghan wife-starving law

An Afghan bill allowing a husband to starve his wife if she refuses to have sex has been published in the official gazette and become law.

The original bill caused outrage earlier this year, forcing Afghan President Hamid Karzai to withdraw it.

But critics say the amended version of the law remains highly repressive.

They accuse Mr Karzai of selling out Afghan women for the sake of conservative Shia support at next week's presidential election.

The law governs family life for Afghanistan's Shia minority.

Sexual demands

The original version obliged Shia women to have sex with their husbands every four days at a minimum, and it effectively condoned rape by removing the need for consent to sex within marriage.

Western leaders and Afghan women's groups were united in condemning an apparent reversal of key freedoms won by women after the fall of the Taliban.

Now an amended version of the same bill has passed quietly into law with the apparent approval of President Karzai.

Just ahead of this Thursday's Afghan presidential election, human rights groups suggest the timing is no accident.

"There was a review process - Karzai came under huge pressure from all over the world to amend this law, but many of the most oppressive laws remain," Rachel Reid, the Human Rights Watch representative in Kabul, told the BBC.

"What matters more to Karzai is the support of fundamentalists and hardliners here in Afghanistan whose support he thinks he needs in the elections."

Women's groups say its new wording still violates the principle of equality that is enshrined in their constitution.

It allows a man to withhold food from his wife if she refuses his sexual demands; a woman must get her husband's permission to work; and fathers and grandfathers are given exclusive custody of children.
They're just trying to be hip and copy the internet... of course if they where really in the know they would have called it the "Tits or GTFO" law.
Meraede said:
Sometimes I wish I could smack the lot of them.
Why would you want to smack all the women? As if they haven't suffered enough!

Kidding aside though, I've heard of some smurfed-up laws before, but this one is the pinnacle. The zenith. The acme.


sixpackshaker said:
How is an Afghani going to starve his wife? I doubt he even knows where the kitchen is...
yeah... i mean, don't they have the women do all the cooking?

"Wife! make dinner, and then throw your half away"
In reality it is quite easy. There are normally extended families where the mother in law would love to harass the daughter in law into the same life she lead.


Curse the men having nothing close to removing sex as a form of punishment :p
I'm not surprised by this. It wasn't that long ago in Europe (only 50 years in fact), when priests would look down on childless families and social pressure was on the wife to have children to the point where the priest would actually come around the house to ask the wife what the problem was (it was always assumed it was the wife who was reluctant). While there was no such law, the pressure of the community was just as severe. Both Catholicism and the Islam want a family to have as many children as possible after all but this is a damn crude way to go about things and it's going to get a lot of misuse and abuse.
Old news is old. had this debvate on Facebook 3 days ago.

That said, I do really love the new, modern and westernized government you guys installed. Really, awesome people. remember, these are the progressives you're helping over there, fighting against the Taliban. Whoopdeedoo.

Anyway, the law itself is just plain nuts by our modern standards.
Bubble181 said:
Old news is old. had this debvate on Facebook 3 days ago.
I'd just like to note that from now on I am not going to read anything in posts after someone posts this.


Staff member
Well 3 days isn't as long as a story that's, say, a few weeks or months old. And anyway, "old news is old" is a terrible thing to say. Can you imagine shutting down everyone who learned something after you? No one would ever converse! It's that kind of attitude that makes more timid children in classrooms fail to raise their hands! :waah:


Cajungal said:
Well 3 days isn't as long as a story that's, say, a few weeks or months old. And anyway, "old news is old" is a terrible thing to say. Can you imagine shutting down everyone who learned something after you? No one would ever converse! It's that kind of attitude that makes more timid children in classrooms fail to raise their hands! :waah:
Damn you Bubble, you're slowly but surely killing education! When we're as old as Dave there'll be no one to support us, just a load of uneducated timid folk, never daring to make a decision. Put poor Bubble in a home? Hmm, not sure, let someone else decide.

Why Bubble, whyyyyyyyyy??



Bubble181 said:
Old news is old. had this debvate on Facebook 3 days ago.
Oh, well in THAT case... :facepalm:

Bubble181 said:
That said, I do really love the new, modern and westernized government you guys installed. Really, awesome people. remember, these are the progressives you're helping over there, fighting against the Taliban. Whoopdeedoo.
As I recall, Karzai has been democratically elected by the people of Afghanistan, but that news IS over three days old, you know. In any event, we're not too thrilled about this development ourselves. Believe it or not, they are better than the Taliban. At least they're not going around whipping people for laughing in public. Now, the question is, does this development say more about our strategy in Afghanistan, or a culture in which this is considered in any way "progressive?"

Bubble181 said:
Anyway, the law itself is just plain nuts by our modern standards.
You could've left out "by our modern standards" and been just as accurate.
*sigh* Why do people read "old news is old" and think this means I think it shouldn't be discussed anymore? I only wrote it because this forum tends to be pretty quick, and this was brought as "the big new thing", while, you know, the forum was "beaten to the punch" as far as informing me goes. It's not, in and of itself, a bad thing. It's a useless bit of side-note. If you can't read the phrase ithout thinking I'm seriously going "Oh, this, pfuh, old! Man! Have you seen the game today?", you're nuts. Not my problem (I'm pissy today, can you tell?)

And no, Armadillo, I couldn't. Culturally speaking, this sort of laws aren't all that rare, and in many historical cultures they'd have been perfectly fine with this. In the Incan empire, the Roman empire, heck, 19th-century southern USA, China easily into the 19th and even 20th century, some places of Africa still, and so on, and so forth, people wouldn't call this law or something similar wrong or nuts, at all.

Back off topic: Mr Chaz; good, at least I won't get put in a home.
Bubble181 said:
*sigh* Why do people read "old news is old" and think this means I think it shouldn't be discussed anymore?
Because it brings no merit to any conversation and is generally a very dismissive statement.
I didn't mean it dismissive, and if everything that doesn't add to a conversation is to be picked on and pointed out as evil and bad, you may as well perma-ban me now, and about half the board with me.
Hypocrisy says we can just single you out...

Also, you should have brought it here as soon as you saw it as to not fail us... but now ur faith is sealed... BURN THE TRAITOR!
Bubble181 said:
*sigh* Why do people read "old news is old" and think this means I think it shouldn't be discussed anymore? I only wrote it because this forum tends to be pretty quick, and this was brought as "the big new thing", while, you know,
1. it is not just a dismissive comment, it is a douchey comment.

2. alien did nothing to, "[bring] [the topic] [up] as "the big new thing"" that is something you are projecting.

Bubble181 said:
the forum was "beaten to the punch" as far as informing me goes.
i dont know how to explain this... here is a situation. two office workers meet by the water cooler:
"Hey Jim, didya hear? Jane down in accounting had a baby!" the first coworker says.

a normal person would say

"Yeah, great news, isn't it?"

whereas you are saying

"Pff, Will down in accounting told me like, 3 hours ago. Get with the times."

Bubble181 said:
It's not, in and of itself, a bad thing. It's a useless bit of side-note. If you can't read the phrase ithout thinking I'm seriously going "Oh, this, pfuh, old! Man! Have you seen the game today?", you're nuts. Not my problem (I'm * today, can you tell?)
really? because "Oh, this, pfuh, old! Man! Have you seen the game today?" is exactly what you come off like. here is another example.

two men are in the subway. one pulls out his cellphone to check the time; but as the cellphone has lost reception, it wont display anything other than "searching for network"

"Hey buddy, you got the time?" he says, turning to the second man.

"Go suck a donkey dick you faggot." the second man says before pulling his arm out of his sleeve to check his watch. "It's 9:35"

when the first man recovers a little bit, he asks why the hell the other guy responded so rudely. The guy pulls his sleeve down again, shrugs, and says "It's a useless bit of side-note. If you can't [hear] the phrase ithout thinking I'm seriously going "i want this faggot to suck a donkey dick", you're nuts. Not my problem".

then, because this example does not take place on the internet, guy 1 fucking decks guy 2 for being such a douchebag.
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