October Mini Contest - Design The Funniest Superhero (GL Fans Read! Prizes Inside!)

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So, I ordered some toy replica Green Lantern rings off ebay last week. Well, they sent me an extra order by mistake. I've got an extra set. So..

The Contest

Using the Hero Maker - http://www.ugo.com/channels/comics/heromachine2/heroMachine2.asp

Make the funniest super hero you can come up with. Bonus points for creating a short back story (a few paragraphs). Originality a nice bonus too but comedy gold is the winner here. You can enter 1 hero, so make it count. Please include a screenshot of the final creation.

The Prize(s)

(sorry for horrible picture quality, cell phone cam is all i've got)

First Place - Black Lantern Ring

Runner Up - Green Lantern Ring

One is a Black Lantern ring from the Blackest Night #1 giveway / San Diego Comic Con giveaway, still in it's original unopened poly bag.

The other is a standard Hal Jordan era GL ring.

Both are durable plastic. The Black Lantern ring is fairly large, it even fits my fat sausge fingers and I wear like a size 13 in mens so thats pretty damn big. (based on playing around with my other set). The Green Lantern one is fairly tiny, they both "adjust" to fit, with an opening in the bottom.

I will ship the rings to the winners myself, shipping is like dirt cheap so that's not an issue. I will be using the cheapest shipping so if it's like 3-10 business days, don't blame me :)

Submit your entries in this thread.

I will not be judging, so no one can claim impartiality on my part. I'll leave judging up to Ed or someone he deems fair. We may pick the top 3 and let the judge vote or open those to a group vote for yall, not sure but we'll figure it out.

Deadline - October 8th 2009 - Noon EST

Get to it, ya poozers
October Mini Contest - Design The Funniest Superhero (GL Fans Read!)

If we make one, but come up with a better one later, can we replace our entry?
October Mini Contest - Design The Funniest Superhero (GL Fans Read! Prizes Inside

ok, I got a good one, but I'm going to make sure I can enter another one later first.


ah fuck it. If I don't now I'll just forget.


Beware evil doers! All the way from the future, if the future is the past is HOMELESS MOSES! Defender of the innocent, scourge of the oppressed, sometimes a flasher and usually drunk!

With his awesome telekinetic powers and his trusty sidekick Yahweh the rat*, he's out to demand change...change for a brighter tomorrow!

Feel secure citizens, for HOMELESS MOSES wanders the streets righting that which is wrong, so long as the police don't ask him to move it along. If danger is about, simply seek out the nearest soup kitchen, for HOMELESS MOSES might just be there to defend you with his 10 plagues of justice!

*Yahweh the rat sold separately.


Staff member
October Mini Contest - Design The Funniest Superhero (GL Fans Read! Prizes Inside

NOTE: Logo on chest and name are custom :)

It didn't really turn out to be funny, but I had a lot of fun making him and getting him a background story, so it's all good.

The year is 2020 A.D. After years of healthy eating propaganda, Health Corp. was able to ban fatty foods through underhanded deals with government officials and world leaders. Five years after the last fast food restaurant was closed, scientists began to notice that the world was cooling. At first they thought that it was just part of a natural cycle... until the temperature began falling at an alarming rate. The now-fit people of the world, no longer with the fat they accumulated from eating fatty foods, began to die off as the temperatures fell to such cold levels that people could no longer sustain their body heat in the Earth's atmosphere.

The aged Ronald McDonald, forced to find alternate income after losing his job as the McDonald's mascot, fell back on his background in micro-physics, and got a job as a research assistant at an experimental energy development firm. One day, his instruments detected a large area of high-energy disturbance between the Earth and the Sun. This blanket of high-energy deflected the Sun's radiation away from the Earth, which was the cause behind Earth's rapid cooling. Ronald traced the energy back to an unknown satellite. While performing a wave-spectrum scan on the satellite, Ronald stumbled upon a signal that was getting beamed to the satellite, and traced the origin of the signal to the Health Corp. headquarters.

Health Corp. took swift action once they found that their signal had been traced. They captured Ronald and exposed him to a new form of high-energy radiation to study its effects on humans. After several weeks of experimentation, Ronald began having uncontrollable violent fits of rage, with such force that he was able to overpower the super-fit Health Corp. guards and escape by concentrating the radiation in his body to blow holes through the thick steel walls.

Now Ronald must fight for the survival of the human race by reintroducing the world to fatty food, which will build up vital fat needed to keep their body heat up, all while defending off Health Corp.'s army of super-fit soldiers, as Old McDonald!

Edited for grammar corrections.
October Mini Contest - Design The Funniest Superhero (GL Fans Read! Prizes Inside


Pervis Finklemeyer suffered his whole life from the most extreme case of overactive bladder in the history of mankind. It made him the butt of jokes and the focus of bullies his entire childhood. But Pervis grew up to become a scientific genius, and used his talents to put his affliction to good use. He created a highly armored but lightweight suit that not only stores his constant stream of urine in the tail of it, but allows him to use the urine as a weapon either through his pressurized rifle or his high powered shoulder-mounted cannons. His specialties are helping to put out raging fires and battling his jellyfish-like archnemesis, Man O' War!


Staff member
October Mini Contest - Design The Funniest Superhero (GL Fans Read! Prizes Inside

Man o' War!



October Mini Contest - Design The Funniest Superhero (GL Fans Read! Prizes Inside

gotta love a 3 cost 2/2 with a built in Boomerang ;)
October Mini Contest - Design The Funniest Superhero (GL Fans Read! Prizes Inside

By day, Kenzie Wilson is just another crankhead looking to score her next fix.

But by night, whenever crime strikes the trailer park, Kenzie becomes Methdyke!

Aided by her ever-faithful watchdog, Cooter, Methdyke strikes fear into the dopers, lusty 14 year olds, and vandals of the trailer park!
October Mini Contest - Design The Funniest Superhero (GL Fans Read! Prizes Inside

*checks the date*



October Mini Contest - Design The Funniest Superhero (GL Fans Read! Prizes Inside

Yea, I was awaiting word from Dave, I sent him a pm the other day I guess with the server move(s) he's been busy

Anyways, he got back to me today, since I don't browse the forums at work I just now read his pm

Drum roll please

Dave said:
1st: The Meth Girl. - Tinwhistler - Grand Prize
2nd: Homeless Moses. - Phil - Runner Up

Those bunny slippers almost put it over the top but I like the tweaking superhero.
So congrats to Tin and Phil. I had hoped for more entries but hey, yall put in some effort and they were funny. I'll be pm'ing both of you for your information, I hope to get them mailed out this week but if not this week, next week for sure (I just dropped like $70 on my website this week).

Good job guys
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