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Oh Amazon....LOL




I saw this over on Amazon and thought I would share. The book reviews are comedy gold.

It was great while it was working. I had gotten up to chapter 3, the aforementioned 'hardly knew ye' chapter, when suddenly the pages went blank. I tried closing it and re-opening it and nothing. I let it sit for about an hour and when I re-opened it it briefly worked - I could see the letters, but they made no sense - and then went blank again. I called tech support and they said they'd never seen this and maybe I had the book upside down or something. I assured them I'd read plenty of books and knew which way was up. They had me close thebook, open it, flip through the pages... but nothing helped. Finally they agreed to let me return it for a replacement. I had asked for a refund, but they said \"you know too much already\" and said a replacement would require wiping a portion of my brain. I was not about to agree to that. We'll see how the replacement works...




What's with the recent trend of hilarious Amazon reviews?




There were lots of fun reviews for Chiquita bananas some time ago, I can't find them now.




http://www.amazon.com/Mountain-Thre...TF8&coliid=I2SF6O5KXMKZB5&colid=1LVFODE6BPMJL The classic Three Wolf Moon Shirt (old, but still unknown by many)




She offered me a swig from her mountain dew, and I drove my scooter, with her shuffling along side out the door and into the rest of our lives. Thank you wolf shirt.

---------- Post added at 08:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 AM ----------

I've never read a funny Amazon review before today, so this is probably old, but... here's a poem about milk:





I love these reviews. Always a great time killer when there is a slow day at the office.


Joe Johnson

this has always been my favorite:


For "Everybody Poops". One of the best parts is the responses - successful trolling!
