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Vlad the Impaler sparkled in the sun?


Element 117


Twilight is like the harry potter than the rest of us hate, right?




Hmm. Thought his line died out within a century or so after his death. Interestingly, the Blood Countess was descended from one of Vlad's cousins, Stephen Bathory.

Then again, technically, except for Woodrow Wilson, World War I was feud amongst cousins.



Hmm. Thought his line died out within a century or so after his death. Interestingly, the Blood Countess was descended from one of Vlad's cousins, Stephen Bathory.

Then again, technically, except for Woodrow Wilson, World War I was feud amongst cousins.
Well.... it depends on how you look at it.

Some culture the bloodline is only "valid" via the male heir, but some would just go with actual descendant (male or female) which I like to follow that more than just the whole "male only" line (which I think it is stupid IMP)




Genetically they were related, no matter what cultures consider a "valid" bloodline or not.




And Stephanie Meyer is actually a mutated growth from Danielle Steele's back.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet






No. 1479: Great-Grandchildren

A while back a friend got deeply into genealogy. One day he pulled out some papers that showed he was related to Charlemagne. I allowed that was very impressive. Now I've just read an article in the magazine The Sciences, and guess what! I am also kin to Charlemagne. And so are you.

Each generation back, the number of your great grandparents doubles. The length of a generation can be variable. For most cultures, thirty years would be a conservatively long generation. Charlemagne lived in the late eighth century, about forty generations ago. To count how many progenitors you had in the late eighth century we raise two to the fortieth power. That gives about a trillion. The problem is, that's at least a thousand times more than the world population was in AD 800.




Yeah, Stephen Fry had an amusing bit with that on QI.




Well, I was going off the "Descended from any of his offspring" idea of line. Vlad didn't have many children that lived to the age of maturity. I don't know if he had any daughters, and his son died childless.





Twilight is like the harry potter than the rest of us hate, right?
Some of us hate both. Although, I hate Twilight much, much more than I hate Potter.





Twilight is like the harry potter than the rest of us hate, right?
Nope, I hate Potter too. :humph:




On the Potter / Twilight thing, Rowling's work actually has a shred of talent--and background, to boot.




Eh, Potter is fun reading that doesn't try and hit you with mormanvampirevirginitygirlsareweakandneedmen every chapter.


Wasabi Poptart

I've never read any of the Twilight books, so I can't give an opinion other than I dislike what I've heard about them. Robert Pattinson was cute in the Harry Potter movies though.




I've never read any of the Twilight books, so I can't give an opinion other than I dislike what I've heard about them. Robert Pattinson was cute in the Harry Potter movies though.
He was. I really think he could go on to make good movies. I never read a full Twilight book, but I have read parts of all of them; my cousins own them. And the writing's... it's pretty bad. I like to know what I'm hating thoroughly, so I actually would like ti get through a whole book sometime. But there are piles and piles of books that I'd enjoy that I wanna read first.




don't do it, seej, seriously... before the movies were released and I knew nothing about the whole Twilight thing but heard the movies were upcoming I thought "oh, cool, vampires! I'll read the books!"... I got the first one at my school's library..... I got through all of it merely because of pride at never having started a book without finishing it. But oh man was it bad. So bad and groan-worthy and.. misogynistic... awful, just awful.

Seriously, life's too short, spend it doing stuff that's worthwhile and not with that crap. Trust me on this one.




No. 1479: Great-Grandchildren

A while back a friend got deeply into genealogy. One day he pulled out some papers that showed he was related to Charlemagne. I allowed that was very impressive. Now I've just read an article in the magazine The Sciences, and guess what! I am also kin to Charlemagne. And so are you.

Each generation back, the number of your great grandparents doubles. The length of a generation can be variable. For most cultures, thirty years would be a conservatively long generation. Charlemagne lived in the late eighth century, about forty generations ago. To count how many progenitors you had in the late eighth century we raise two to the fortieth power. That gives about a trillion. The problem is, that's at least a thousand times more than the world population was in AD 800.
Are you saying that Dave is my ancestor?




No. 1479: Great-Grandchildren

A while back a friend got deeply into genealogy. One day he pulled out some papers that showed he was related to Charlemagne. I allowed that was very impressive. Now I've just read an article in the magazine The Sciences, and guess what! I am also kin to Charlemagne. And so are you.

Each generation back, the number of your great grandparents doubles. The length of a generation can be variable. For most cultures, thirty years would be a conservatively long generation. Charlemagne lived in the late eighth century, about forty generations ago. To count how many progenitors you had in the late eighth century we raise two to the fortieth power. That gives about a trillion. The problem is, that's at least a thousand times more than the world population was in AD 800.
Are you saying that Dave is my ancestor?[/QUOTE]

Only if he doinked a goat.... so, yes.



All the more reason to call on Blade.




don't do it, seej, seriously... before the movies were released and I knew nothing about the whole Twilight thing but heard the movies were upcoming I thought "oh, cool, vampires! I'll read the books!"... I got the first one at my school's library..... I got through all of it merely because of pride at never having started a book without finishing it. But oh man was it bad. So bad and groan-worthy and.. misogynistic... awful, just awful.

Seriously, life's too short, spend it doing stuff that's worthwhile and not with that crap. Trust me on this one.
You know what? I think I will. A few chapters of that mess was enough. I'll just trust that you're right, and the rest is also awful.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Wait, does this mean that I'm related to Robert Patterson?:wtf:





If you go far back enough, you're related to almost every human being on Earth, excluding the really separated people like aboriginal tribes and such.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

don't do it, seej, seriously... before the movies were released and I knew nothing about the whole Twilight thing but heard the movies were upcoming I thought "oh, cool, vampires! I'll read the books!"... I got the first one at my school's library..... I got through all of it merely because of pride at never having started a book without finishing it. But oh man was it bad. So bad and groan-worthy and.. misogynistic... awful, just awful.

Seriously, life's too short, spend it doing stuff that's worthwhile and not with that crap. Trust me on this one.
You know what? I think I will. A few chapters of that mess was enough. I'll just trust that you're right, and the rest is also awful.[/QUOTE]

For an alternative, you could read the Mark Reads Twilight blog.




If you go far back enough, you're related to almost every human being on Earth, excluding the really separated people like aboriginal tribes and such.




If you go far back enough, you're related to almost every human being on Earth, excluding the really separated people like aboriginal tribes and such.

He does not realize that we all are related to a single Human/Cylon Hybrid...


Fun Size

Fun Size

So now we're all related? Well, I guess that'll go to show all those people who got all judgmental on my for having sex with my sister. :smug:




So now we're all related? Well, I guess that'll go to show all those people who got all judgmental on my for having sex with my sister. :smug:
Well, we can't really judge you for something we've all done. And by that, I mean having sex with your sister.




Not to mention the whole humans-schtoinking-Neanderthals bit... Seriously, according to some geneticists, if you have a small, horizontal cleft at the back of your head, just above the juncture of the skull and the spine, it means somewhere down the line one of your Stone Age ancestors played "hide the mammoth sausage" with a Neanderthal.

I have one of those...




So now we're all related? Well, I guess that'll go to show all those people who got all judgmental on my for having sex with my sister. :smug:
Well, we can't really judge you for something we've all done. And by that, I mean having sex with your sister.[/QUOTE]

And she is not even as good in the sack as your mom... :)


Fun Size

Fun Size

A mammoth sausage? Niiiiice...

---------- Post added at 09:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ----------

So now we're all related? Well, I guess that'll go to show all those people who got all judgmental on my for having sex with my sister. :smug:
Well, we can't really judge you for something we've all done. And by that, I mean having sex with your sister.[/QUOTE]

And she is not even as good in the sack as your mom... :)[/QUOTE]

Well she's gay. What did you expect?




*laugh* Good one.




All the more reason to call on Blade.
Man... I friggin' wish...




All the more reason to call on Blade.
Man... I friggin' wish...[/QUOTE]


Dream Goddess

Dream Goddess

Hmm. Thought his line died out within a century or so after his death. Interestingly, the Blood Countess was descended from one of Vlad's cousins, Stephen Bathory.

Then again, technically, except for Woodrow Wilson, World War I was feud amongst cousins.
Well, I'm related by paternal blood to the Bathorys on my father's side. Of course, my father is full blood Romanian. Still, it really isn't anything spectacular that Pattinson is distantly related either. As stated by sixpackshaker, it's kind of the six degrees of separation...only with genealogy.




So who can trace their ancestry back to Kevin Bacon in six steps or less?




Huh. So, basically, he sucks twice as much, now?








All the more reason to call on Blade.
Man... I friggin' wish...[/QUOTE]


Another win from HISHE




I know for a fact there ain't gonna be any royal blood in my veins. My family's pretty much Finnish-speaking Finns all the way (as opposed to those damn Fenno-Swedes). Still, there's some cool bits: my parents found mentions on my mother's side of a 17th-century ancestor, who was a jahtivouti, a position that roughly translates as "the bailiff of the chase", or "master of the hunt" if you want to wax poetic. His task in the community was to organize hunts against major predators such as bears and wolf packs if they came too close to the farms and the livestock, and he was also responsible for maintaining the wolf-pits (shallow pits filled with barbed stakes that were then covered) and other traps that kept the beasts at bay. Besides that, I come from a family of farmhands and small farmers.



Frankie Williamson

I am directly descended from Norman justiciars of England. Last name and everything. The guys that ruled the country in the Norman King's absence. One of my ancestors was known for his penchant for hanging people. LAWMEN FROM THE START BITCHES.

Ralph Basset Sheriff of Oxfordshire Justiciar of England (1076-1120)




Well, if you far enough back.... And if he wasn't fictional....




Heh... I'm so American-Mutt, I couldn't tell you if I have any (in)famous ancestors or not - and that's just on my MOTHER'S side. My father's side of the family doesn't go in for geneology, which has frustrated my mother's efforts to create a family tree to no end




I'm uh, mostly Lithuanian, I guess. And probably jewish, though my grandmother won't admit it.




Also, to whoever just made the rep comment about Rowling being a talentless hack...she's not exactly the best writer on the planet. But her writing at least has some sort of cultural mythological depth to it. As far as children's lit goes, it's no Hugo Cabret but I think its a damn appropriate jumping board for kids to get reading more engaging, interesting things. That hopefully isn't something bland and obtuse like Twilight.

Also, Kurt Vonnegut is the guy who defended the shittiest of science fiction with bated breath. Why would he be laughing?




Also, to whoever just made the rep comment about Rowling being a talentless hack...she's not exactly the best writer on the planet. But her writing at least has some sort of cultural mythological depth to it. As far as children's lit goes, it's no Hugo Cabret but I think its a damn appropriate jumping board for kids to get reading more engaging, interesting things. That hopefully isn't something bland and obtuse like Twilight.
What the Mime-butt-avatar said, you can say that HP is too popular, but you can't even compare its quality with Twilight.


Philosopher B.

Rowling did the boarding school story with a straightforward monomyth structure. Maybe Potter's not hugely original when some of its pieces are taken apart and scrutinized, and perhaps Rowling strayed a bit with later books, but she basically knew how to tell an entertaining story in an engaging world.

Stephenie Meyer, on the other hand, pooped out an insufferable mess of a novel in which the antagonists popped up hundreds of pages in. And that's just the first book. I haven't the stomach to find out what the sequels are like.

IMO, Potter = a step up from Artemis Fowl = a step up from Lemony Snickett = a step up from Twilight.


Wasabi Poptart

My maternal grandmother used to always say we were related to Mary Queen of Scots' chambermaid. LOL
