So here's my story. When I got out of high school, I figured I should go to college. Seemed like the thing to do. Wasn't sure what I'd be doing, but I was sure I'd figure it out.
Well, I didn't.
Not until my third year, anyway. Right now.
I started out with chemistry, and it took me 'til the end of my second semester to realize I just found it
interesting, but didn't actually enjoy it. Then I switched to physics/math with a computer science minor.
Well, after a semester of University Physics 1, I realized it's just not as fun (for me, anyway) as I thought it was in high school. So I just took my minor and made it my major, thinking, "I love computers and technology, so a CS major just makes sense, right?"
I enjoyed some of the programming-oriented stuff in the beginning... but now... Operating Systems, Data Structures, GIS, Algorithms and Formal Language... Don't like any of it. None.
That's probably why I haven't been doing much of my homework this semester, and why my grades have been slipping...
Just earlier this week I figured things out. I was working on my part-time, minimum wage (the Work Study govt. program requires this apparently) job for the Audio/Visual department of the school, and I realized...
I really like this job.
So I'm thinking I'll just be done with paying people to teach me stuff I may or may not care about, and go
here for a year. And then start job hunting.
The one problem remaining, though, is that my parents have been paying for me to be at this somewhat pricy private liberal arts university for the last two years (plus this semester)... and I don't think they'll be too happy with this.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
EDIT: Oh, and as for my current job. It involves a lot of working with speakers, mics, amps, sound boards, video and audio recording, media duplication, setting up equipment for events... I have a lot of fun doing it, and it's stuff I've been into before I started going to college. Not sure why I didn't go with a Broadcasting major, but that would've taken five years anyway. I've had enough of liberal arts already.