Export thread

Oh what the hell, I'm bored. Lets do this.




This is officially my ask me anything thread. I know I don't post as often as our Rogues Gallery, but I'd like to think I'm at least prolific enough to deserve one of these.

Come on, Halforum, Ask me whatever you want! I'm bored and slightly buzzed so I'll answer!


Kitty Sinatra

How many hats, checkered or otherwise, do you have?




Do you think of Canada as America's Hat, or the U.S. as Canada's Head?




How many hats, checkered or otherwise, do you have?
I have three what I would call main hats. My blue pork pie with the checkered band is definitely my facourite, a black fedora, and a gray fedora with a wide brim.
I've also got my winter hats, of course. Afake fur shapka serves as my main hat in the winter, but I've also got a variety of toques.

Do you think of Canada as America's Hat, or the U.S. as Canada's Head?
I actually laughed out loud when I first heard the "Canada: America's Hat" thing. In truth I have nothing against you yanks, and I view the Canadian-American relationship much the way I view the relationship with my little brother or with my roommates. I actually love good Canadian jokes so long as its clear they aren't ACTUALLY believed or legitimately hostile. "America's Hat" definitely fits that criteria.

Although, a Canadian standup whose name I can't recall makes a similar joke that I think has a point. "We're bigger than them, and we're on top. If this were prison they'd be our bitch."


Kitty Sinatra

Do you think of Canada as America's Hat, or the U.S. as Canada's Head?
Oh! Oh! Oh! I wanna answer this. Can I answer this? I'm gonna answer this.

The latter. Because you suck. :rimshot:





401 or 407?




401 or 407?

I don't drive, so it depends on which family member is giving me a ride. My dad is usually willing to pay to use the 407, since the 401 is horrible. Otherwise its usually the 401.


Kitty Sinatra

Is Balsillie ever gonna score on his power play and finally land the Hamilton Steelheads?




Is Balsillie ever gonna score on his power play and finally land the Hamilton Steelheads?
I have no idea what you're talking about.

Upon looking it up, it appears Balsillie is the dude in charge of the whole bring an NHL team to Hamilton thing, and the Steelheads appear to be a fictional hockey team.

I see.

I hope so. We need more Canadian teams.

Though truth be told I'd like to see a Nova Scotian team. You just know they'd be like "The Halifax Highlanders" or something, and the national anthem would be played with bagpipes before each game. It'd immediately be my new favourite team!


Kitty Sinatra

I have no idea what you're talking about.
Do you know how often I hear that?

And did you see the weird shit I asked Ame?




Unless they build a sports complex in Dartmouth Crossing, we don't have the infrastructure to support a NHL franchise. Halifax's best bet is a revamped Huskies stadium to host a CFL team.

And the Leafs play bagpipes all the time!

Now back to the hat,

Do you ever visit the Silver Snail?
Attend a CFL or MLB game?
Rona Ambrose or Belinda Stronach?




Unless they build a sports complex in Dartmouth Crossing, we don't have the infrastructure to support a NHL franchise. Halifax's best bet is a revamped Huskies stadium to host a CFL team.

And the Leafs play bagpipes all the time!

Now back to the hat,

Do you ever visit the Silver Snail?
Attend a CFL or MLB game?
Rona Ambrose or Belinda Stronach?
But the Leafs also suck all the time.

Yes. Yes I do.
Both footbal and Baseball both bore me (so no)

As for the third question, I'm not sure what exactly the question is. Belinda Stronach I recognize, but I had to look the other one up and she's from Edmonton. I'm not sure what either of their politics actually are either. to be perfectly honest.

Am I correct to assume therefore you're asking which is more attractive?


Kitty Sinatra

I'm afraid to look in his thread, and since you're taking questions I figured I'd ask you here: Does Tin Whistler's new digital camera thread include shots of himself naked?




I'm afraid to look in his thread, and since you're taking questions I figured I'd ask you here: Does Tin Whistler's new digital camera thread include shots of himself naked?
Not yet.


Kitty Sinatra

I should go peak sooner rather than later. Thanks. You're a real pal.


Zumbo Prime

Why do hot dogs come in packages of 12 while hot dog buns come in packages of 8?




Why do hot dogs come in packages of 12 while hot dog buns come in packages of 8?
The obvious answer:
When you're done your hot dogs you wind up with some left over "Hark!" you'll say, "I still have several processed meat weiners! I'd better not let them go to waste! Perhaps I will buy some buns as well, and create a meal!"

Like how whenever you make nachos, you always wind up with salsa left over, which gives you the idea to buy tortilla chips.

I heard somewhere that it had to do with the pricing by weight, and that's just the numbers it takes to get a nice weight.

But if you're buying GOOD hot dogs, you usually get less than that even.


Zumbo Prime

Yeah, GOOD hot dogs are in packs of six.

And I'm pretty sure a quarter of a jug of salsa is more than enough for a bag of tortilla chips.



I like nice hats. Show me one.

You've got a camera, right?




I do have a camera. But my hats are actually in the animation studio right now.

I'll see if I can dig up some pre-existing photos though.

But I wouldn't call my hats nice. None of them cost more than $40. One day, I plan on splurging on a really nice, classy formal pork pie. I regret not buying the one I wanted in high school, back when I actually could have afforded such an unbelievably reckless purchase.


Only photos of the black fedora I can find come from a supervillain themed Murder Mystery Party. Thus the name tag and pocket full of fake money.

Here is a poor picture of my favourite hat, taken at a disgusting cocktail bar in Toronto I went to with some friends to celebrate one of their birthdays. I was the only person who ordered beer instead of a weird cocktail, and was probably the person happiest with my drink:

The grey fedora is the one I wear to parties, as it can take a beating better than the others, and I wouldn't mind as much if I forgot it somewhere:

And my shapka, from a night of drunken tobogganing:



My standard of "nice" hats basically means that it's not a baseball cap and it's probably not under $25. Beyond that, there's "really nice" and "awesome" hats.

Next question. What is that in your drink in the first picture? A celery stick?

(I'm a teetotaler, so I don't know these things.)




My standard of "nice" hats basically means that it's not a baseball cap and it's probably not under $25. Beyond that, there's "really nice" and "awesome" hats.

Next question. What is that in your drink in the first picture? A celery stick?

(I'm a teetotaler, so I don't know these things.)

It is indeed a celery stick. The drink is my favourite cocktail, and the National Cocktail of Canada, the Caesar. Its a bit like a bloody mary, but made with Clamato juice rather than tomato juice.
For those of you playing at home:

Its Vodka, Motts Clamato*, Worchester Sauce, Tobasco, the glass is rimmed with lemon juice and celery salt, and then its garnished with a celery stick. Delicious.

I like to leave the celery stick nice and long and leave the leaf on it to make it look super awesome. But one of the other villains at the party was supposed to be insane, so she kept taking my celery and biting the end off and putting it back.

*Clam and Tomato juice




Where did that stubby come from? You're not that old!




Where did that stubby come from? You're not that old!



What first inspired you to start liking hats of that sort?




What first inspired you to start liking hats of that sort?
They are sexy.

Actually, one might fathom a guess that it has to do with my love for ska music and that I am a sheep who follows fashion trends.

One would only be partially correct because I do like ska music SOOOOOOO much. But, in truth I'm not sure why I likethese hats so much, but I pretty much always have. Always loved the 1930s-1950s Gangster type imagery. Started wearing these hats in grade 9 or 10, I forget when exactly.

Oddly enough, they're quite common place in popular fashion again. I started something. All the celebrities clearly look towards ME for fashion ideas.
