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Ok, anything negative I've said about BFG, retracted!



Frankie Williamson

So, on my PC I was running two BFG 8800 GTX OC2s. They ran games excellently. I was happy with them. Then one day one of them burst into flames and fucked up the other one somehow in the process. Boo-urns. After some hassle with sending them into BFG (who have lifetime warranties) for RMA. I finally get the email that the replacements are on the way.

Now, at most I was expecting was a 9800 GTX since I know BFG still makes those and they aren't legacy cards yet. What I get from looking at the item description from the fedex email is two brand spanking new 285 GTX OCs. Fucking A! They're twice the card the 8800 is. I'm so fucking stoked to play Crysis and shit now.




BFG does have a reputation for usually not screwing you over. It has to cost them extra, I'm sure...but I bet the PR is (usually) worth it at twice the price.





Nice of you to retract negative statements about a company that came through. Not everyone would bother. :)



Pah, when I sent back my BFG motherboard all I get was an identical replacement :( Admittedly it was new at the time but still. I'm tempted to "kill" my BFG 8800 now, see what they can offer me.




Too bad I couldn't stick with the BFG I got for christmas... it wouldn't fit my crappy emachines motherboard so I had to get something significantly inferior.

Or are you guys talking about a different BFG?



That's all I see when I see this thread.



Frankie Williamson

Lally said:

That's all I see when I see this thread.



well, Rawling liked it. :)



Frankie Williamson

Oh shit, the Roald Dahl novel. Man, I haven't read anything Roald Dahl since like the 3rd grade.



Well it wasn't a test or anything, just thought I'd throw it out there and see if anyone else was reminded of that too. It was one of my favorites as a kid.

Funny story, and then I'll stop derailing the thread: my mom confessed to me after I was grown up that every time she heard me talk about "BFG" as a kid, in her head it stood for "big fucking guy" :rofl:




David said:
Or are you guys talking about a different BFG?
How could anyone say anything bad about this BFG? It's awesome! It's classic!

Now, if it was THIS BFG, then someone might have something to say. Mucus gun.



Frankie Williamson

And to the person who doubted you could fit these monstrosities into a mid size case. Well, both Doctor Cox and Lex Luthor have something to say.





So what you are saying is I need my 8800gts to fry out and get replaced by their warranty



Frankie Williamson





BFG have always been a reputable company. I got 2 cards from them over time and both have done the job and I never got problems with them.



Frankie Williamson

I need a new mobo and ram now. This DDR2 shit is not cutting it.
