[Announcement] Okay, MY turn to ask a favor!

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Staff member
I planned on announcing this yesterday but got busy with other stuff and giving candy to kids (which I love, by the way).

As many of you may know, I used to have this site called Nihsen.com. But I never did anything with it. Finally I just set the damned thing up to point to Halforums and I went off on my merry way. Well, with NaNoWriMo starting today(!) and a few other things, I've revamped it and added an SMF forum to it. I did this for a few reasons. First, it was free and I can't afford another XenForo license right now. I'm already paying for hosting, so it's no additional out of pocket.

Second, I didn't want to turn this place into my private blog site. I know I could have made an area called Dave's World or something, but I think that goes against what I envision this place to be. As I've always said, it's not my site, it's our site. Yes, I pay for it and basically make whatever changes tickles my fancy at any given moment, but I try my level best to make this a super-inclusive space to come visit.

So my favor is...If you could go to www.nihsen.com and make one post I've be grateful. You don't have to stick around, you don't have to become a regular user. I just need to flood some content. Even if you never go back I'd be grateful.

If you don't want to it's cool also. I'm doing that site for me, not any sort of monetization. I tried to do the site about my dog in a blatant attempt to make money but as that was my only focus I quickly lost interest. This one is more for me and my family so I'll probably go there more often.

Speaking of that, because my family will see this (and because it uses my real last name and potential employers may see it), this board will be more tightly moderated. Not say much from here to there, but I'll be employing the curse filter so be prepared to see a lot of usage of the word, "smurf".

Thanks again, everyone!


Staff member
Thanks, all. I'm really, really new to SMF so if you see something it needs just let me know. I've fixed the broken image icon and enabled teh Quick Reply for all.


first and last post there ever.
i hated that captcha so much
it forced me to redo it twice and then?

"please wait we check the decision of answer." ???!!!!
i wish i had a screenshot.
OP is TL:DR just clicked the donate button.

I jest. I'll go see if I can't cause some havoc over there....


WTFall is that? :D is auto green stupid smiley? supposed to be TL : DR.....

...excuse me while I curse, this hangover is not going over well this morning


Staff member
first and last post there ever.
i hated that captcha so much
it forced me to redo it twice and then?

"please wait we check the decision of answer." ???!!!!
i wish i had a screenshot.
Hmm. As I've stated, I'm very new to SMF. Let em look at the and see if I can redo it to make it easier.


Also, my poor impulse control made me a liar, ive replied to like 4 posts.

you know the captcha's I like? The plain text ones. Like "What is the fifth word of this sentence?" but i have no idea how that goes with security/effectiveness.

Not sure if want separate "Unread posts" for each section yet. Might like it, might hate it.


Staff member
I took off the captcha that asks you to write the funky work. I like the picture one as it really stops bots.


yeah the picture one? puzzle tiles? would fiine if it didn't go "nope!" unless the tile already in place is not moved. move all the tiles for accuracy = fuck you!
It had the little spinny image like it was trying to load, but it never loaded.

So, i will disable ad-block and try it again.

Edit: Flashblock, d'oh


Staff member
Let me know what you're doing, and I might be able to make a graphic or two for ya. An original illustration always spices things up.
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