Onto the bandwagon - Ask me anything!

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Yep. Y'all know the drill.

This should be fun given that a lot of you probably have no idea who I am.
Where the hell did your name come from and how would you pronounce it in real life?
Well now, that's a bit of a story. In high school I played a lot of Warhammer, tabletop style. My main army was a Chaos force, and given that I've always been somewhat of a writer, I needed to come up with a name for the general. I had absolutely no idea what to use, so I pretty much strung letters and sounds together until I found something that seemed suitable.

He ended up being named Vriishnak, and I used that as a handle on a couple of forums for quite a while. Of course, nobody could be bothered to type it out in full, so it got abbreviated down to Vrii, and I went with it. Easier to type and remember.

Pronounced Vree, by the way.

Kitty Sinatra

Are you disappointed that your thread has had very little activity?

Kitty Sinatra

Oh c'mon people. Stop posting to this thread. You're making my question irrelevent :waah:
Gruebeard said:
Are you disappointed that your thread has had very little activity?
Not really, it's about what I expected. As I said, I'm not exactly well-known around here...yet.

North_Ranger said:
What are your specialties?
Good question. I've got wide-ranging tastes in music, I lead a guild in World of Warcraft, I write when the mood strikes, and I read quite a lot. That's probably the broad strokes.

Cajungal said:
What's your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
Heh, as sad as it sounds, weekends are raid times. Afternoons I'm leading our runs in WoW; after that I'm happy to hang out with friends if they're around, or just relax with a book or game and some music playing. I'm pretty low-maintenance.

hylian said:
Do you buy lottery tickets?
Nope. Money's tight enough without having extra expenses, and I can't justify the odds of it even breaking even.


Staff member
Do you guard a mouldy old pastry that other people think has magical powers? And did your second-in-command skimp on the security issues and got a pet walrus instead?
Do you guard a mouldy old pastry that other people think has magical powers? And did your second-in-command skimp on the security issues and got a pet walrus instead?
Pastries get eaten far too quickly to need a guard. The walrus...that wouldn't surprise me.

Andi said:
Do you really know thyself?
Oh yes. Quite consistently, in fact. :unibrow:
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