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Opposite of Deja Vu?



So the other day I was driving to my friend's house. I turn on the street and am immediately lost.. I don't recognize anything for about 30 seconds.. I've been here plenty of times, I know where I'm at, but everything ... just SEEMED wrong!

It totally felt like Deja Vu, but in reverse or something... "I've seen/felt this happen to me before!" "This feels strange and unfamiliar"
It was more of a feeling of being lost in familiar territory?

So is that Nega Vu or something different?




Jamais vu is the term for what you're talking about.

There is also Presque vu for that tip of the tongue feeling.



ah.. so it was totally Jamais Vu then... hmm. Thank you!

Anyone else had this eerie feeling??

(reads further,..medical)




I have. It's weird, but also kind of fun. A few weeks ago I was driving through Baton Rouge and it looked just as foreign as it had 4 years ago when I moved here.




I have that sort of situation when, say, I only ever go to a movie theatre at night, then when I have a day off on Tuesday and decide to catch a matinee, the parking lot is completely empty and it's 6+ hours earlier. I don't get lost, per se, but I don't even associate it as the same location.




It is just me who thinks that "the vus" sounds like a cartoon band name?
