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Exposure to fluoride may lower children's intelligence...

According to Paul Connett, Ph.D., director of the Fluoride Action Network, "This is the 24th study that has found this association, but this study is stronger than the rest because the authors have controlled for key confounding variables and in addition to correlating lowered IQ with levels of fluoride in the water, the authors found a correlation between lowered IQ and fluoride levels in children's blood. This brings us closer to a cause and effect relationship between fluoride exposure and brain damage in children."

In this study, 512 children aged 8-13 years in two Chinese villages were studied and tested – Wamaio with an average of 2.47 mg/L water fluoride (range 0.57-4.50 mg/L) and Xinhuai averaging 0.36 mg/L (range 0.18-0.76 mg/L).
The authors eliminated both lead exposure and iodine deficiency as possible causes for the lowered IQs. They also excluded any children who had a history of brain disease or head injury and none drank brick tea, known to contain high fluoride levels. Neither village is exposed to fluoride pollution from burning coal or other industrial sources. About 28% of the children in the low-fluoride area scored as bright, normal or higher intelligence compared to only 8% in the "high" fluoride area of Wamaio.
In the high-fluoride city, 15% had scores indicating mental retardation and only 6% in the low-fluoride city.
The study authors write: "In this study we found a significant dose-response relation between fluoride level in serum and children's IQ."
Looks like the evidence against flouride just got a little bit stronger.
Added at: 11:06
According to my local water supply analysis we receive just under 1mg/L locally.
Seems that the study would be more effective if it compared children in the same village with and without flouride versus kids from two different village. The numbers around mental retardation, for example, could have a higher genetic component than environmental.
Other studies have already shown a measurable, immediate drop in cognitive ability right after the standard fluoridation treatment done in elementary schools. The same studies show that it is reversible so long as it's not an extended exposure (such as when a family's water comes from a highly-fluoridated well, for instance).

pat can you post links to the journal articles that talk about that?

also I would love to see the actual report that the gentleman wrote, cant find it on any of my journal databases, must not have published the work yet.
My wife's the one who follows the 'So, you just had a kid, eh?' blogs and mentioned it to me. Hang on while I do a little googling (since I don't exactly have a subscription to any peer review sites), I'll try not to link any of the obviously ZOMG ones.
-Hmm, lots of links to Dr. Paul Connett, PhD, not sure whether he's a crackpot, though.
-There's an oft-quoted Chinese report (PDF).
-The Fluoride Action Network (I didn't name it) seems alarmist, but it has a lengthy appendix.

Most everything else I could find seemed full of conspiracy mentalities.



Am I the only one that was more interested in the fact that water has it's own website?
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