Paging Clever Hans: You are needed in the 21st century

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Read this article on facilitated communication:

This really boils my blood. The experiments to test the effectiveness of the technique are extraordinarily simple. If you framed the question correctly, a 12 year old could tell you how to test if it was the facilitator or the client that was answering the questions. Researchers have known about cuing effects since at least 1907. I understand the desire to reach someone that may be lost inside a broken body but if you really, really want to reach someone, don't you want to be sure of it? Seriously, this kind of thing kills me.

Wasabi Poptart

I have to agree, MD, this subject irks me. Not just because of the charges against the girl's parents, but because of the people who sell this snake oil to the families who are desperate for any glimmer of hope that their loved one is aware and responsive.

Joe Johnson

It's a case where "magical thinking" and refusing to test things in a controlled/scientific manner can have a detrimental effect on people.
Why the hell was there not a rape kit done on this child with in an hour of the allegations?

That would have cleared things up nicely, or put a rapist in jail.

Ouija boards for the impaired.


Why the hell was there not a rape kit done on this child with in an hour of the allegations?

That would have cleared things up nicely, or put a rapist in jail.

Ouija boards for the impaired.
That is what I was thinking. Usually in MANY cases of child abuse/rape cases, a rape kit is use to test immediately for signs. I am shocked that this wasn't done.
That is horrible. Just horrible.

That being said, has Jenny McCArthy weighed in on this or shown her boobs yet? I usually wait to hear what experts like her think before I decide on these things.
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