Pain management

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Does anyone have any advice on how to manage chronic pain? I'm in stage 3 kidney disease and the pain is pretty bad. I do have pain killers but they make me stupider than I already am (as in can't drive, can't work, can't train doomweasels). So, my fellow Halforumites, what can I do to make myself more comfortable and still be productive?
I'm sorry Emry's... that is so hard. I can't even comprehend what you are going though. Adam's link seemed to cover everything pretty well, have you asked your doc for a pain killer that might not be as intense? So maybe it won't be quite as effective but it might leave you a little more able to do things you need to do?
I often find my own pain to be lessened when I inflict it on others, but I don't know if that applies to everyone.
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