Part 7 - Comic 16

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Woof Woof!

:biggrin: :laugh:

I was wondering what would happen to him. Surprises me he's still in one piece and functioning.

Looks like Kid's sister Cora's a bit of a bitch - but I could be misjudging her.
Woof Woof!

:biggrin: :laugh:

I was wondering what would happen to him. Surprises me he's still in one piece and functioning.
So I guess when Captain Rob discharged the Icebreakers she also 'discharged' Lance as well? Is that even possible? Wouldn't he be considered Navy property? Then again this is the Terran Navy we're talking about, they probably don't even realize he's missing.

Looks like Kid's sister Cora's a bit of a bitch - but I could be misjudging her.
Yeah, that seems a little harsh. Maybe you should give her more than two lines of dialogue before condemning her. Besides, as Dusty pointed out siblings going after each other is a time honored family tradition.

Stealth edit: and another thing--What the f*ck is Lance doing in her room anyway? Wouldn't you be a little pissy if you found a creepy, deformed sexbot hanging out in your room? No, wait, don't answer that... :p
Aaand there's Cora! Ain't she a sunshine! :D

I wonder whether Whiskey did finally grow up, or if she's just completely broken. Probably a bit of both.
I think our favorite Irish Lesbian has a lot on her mind these days. She has much to consider since Loser's death.

Cora better watch out if she ever gets her shit together though.
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