[Funny] [Pathetic] Tan Mom raps.

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Staff member

I don't know whether to laugh at her, cringe, feel sorry for her, or (D) all of the above.

Tan Mom (pictured below) is trying to take her 15 minutes of fame and turn them into something. Couple of problems with this. First, her 15 minutes were up a long time ago. April of 2012 she was arrested for taking her 5 year old daughter to a tanning booth. So basically, she's trying to cash in a year too late.

Second, it's just...awful. And she makes such statements as, "I'm hotter than teen mom!" TMZ put this song up on their site with the tag line, "We DARE you to listen to it!" She says she was inspired by Rihanna. I'm sure Rihanna is proud of that.

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