Microsoft Co-founder, owner of the Seattle Seahawks and the Portland Trailblazers, Paul Allen has died at 65, from complications of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. This comes two weeks after his announcement that the disease he beat in 2009 had returned and that he and his doctors were hopeful that the aggressive stance they were taking would see positive results. Sadly, it sounds like the chemotherapy got him.
Fuck Cancer, Go Hawks.
But that's not possible... I had dinner with Paul Allen twice in London, just ten days ago.
Joking aside, RIP Paul.
Too bad, he seemed like one of the good guys in the world.
I commented to Kati that I had forgotten his name, which must mean he was doing something right.
I'll never forget the time our dinky little high school got its first copies of Windows 95. Our superintendent had been a frat brother of Paul's at WSU, and he brought the copies by himself. We didn't get to meet him, though - they were airdropped onto our football field.