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Peace In Our Time, NHL Edition




Versus returns to DirecTV

In related news, Ovechkin is still a punk.

Broken collarbone and at least one broken rib, and the idiot didn't think he deserved a penalty? Watch your knees, asshole.




His third game misconduct of the season, leading all other players. (No one else has even two yet) A nice happy 2 game suspension for his actions.

Go Leafs!!



Frankie Williamson

Man, that guy.



\\"If this was Sidney Crosby doing this, everybody outside of Pittsburgh would have cried foul: 'Suspend him for the year,'\\" Capitals coach Bruce Boudreau said in an interview with the team's Web site. \\"I don't think it does the game any good to have Alex suspended.\\"
If Crosby was a punk bitch like Ovechkin I'd be calling for suspension as well, fat fuck Boudreau.

And of course the comments section is riddled with idiots comparing this to Matt Cooke and Mike Richards' head shots. Head shots are frowned upon, but are legal with shoulder hits. BOARDING IS NOT! This was a classic example of why boarding will get you a 5 min major!
