Phobias.... here are 16 weird ones

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Venustraphobia Pictures - CBS News

Venustraphobia, also known as Caligynephobia, are afraid of beautiful women in general, not just reality stars.

pedophobia have a fear of children.

.... the list goes on :) I'm too lazy to copy and paste 16 paragraphs :)
The fear of mannequins and dummies... That is the one on the list that I am likely close to. They always gave me a mild case of the heebee-jeebees.
I'm going for classic arachnophobia.

I'm trying to hide it lately. I don't want Jet to grow up fearing something as stupid as a fucking spider. It has been hard.
Good for you for thinking ahead, though. Seriously, you have no idea how common, and infuriating, it is for parents to pass on their irrational fears to their kids.

My kids will LIKE clowns, dammit!!


Gelotophobia... would have thought that would be the fear of geloto's? (the desert?)
Even more weird (but also common) phobias can be found here (Disclaimer: Some of these may or may not be made up)


Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
Bolshephobia- Fear of Bolsheviks.
Cymophobia or Kymophobia- Fear of waves or wave like motions.
Dextrophobia- Fear of objects at the right side of the body.

Wasabi Poptart

I have emetophobia. I don't freak out if I barf, only if I'm around someone else who is sick. It makes having children interesting, let me tell you.
No wait... Is there a phobia for raw meat? I fucking HATE it, I can't stand it, I can't touch it, I don't even want to look at it.


Staff member
There probably is.

I don't think I have any true phobias. I used to be so scared of climbing that I'd cry on a ladder. I can now go rock climbing, because I have a harness. But I still feel nervous even about little things like changing an especially high light bulb or walking upstairs when the rail feels unsteady.
I'm not sure if professionals would qualify what I have as actual "coulrophobia" cause I'm not really SCARED of clowns... I'm just uncomfortable around them. If there's a clown in the room you'll probably find me in the opposite corner, but if for some reason it (yes.. it) walks over you won't find me bolting and screaming just.... prepared to kick its ass in the event that it happens to have pointy teeth.

I will take the longer route if it means staying clear of a clown, sure... but is that really a PHOBIA? hmmmm?

Wasabi Poptart

I have emetophobia. I don't freak out if I barf, only if I'm around someone else who is sick. It makes having children interesting, let me tell you.
That's what my husband is for. =/[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately mine gets deployed to exotic places, so I have no choice but to convince myself that it's all ok.
Unfortunately, it's something about the sound mixed with the smell on TOP of the visual that makes vomit such a contagious treat.

I was rather proud of myself for deftly seizing and retaining the trash can for my wife during her labor, rather than adding to the fun like I normally would. *wry smile*

Philosopher B.

I have emetophobia. I don't freak out if I barf, only if I'm around someone else who is sick. It makes having children interesting, let me tell you.
I'm pretty sure my little sister has that.

As for myself, uh, I kind of can't stand to touch gum (smelling it isn't particularly fun, either).

Wasabi Poptart

"it's a vanilla milkshake... it's just a vanilla milkshake with... chicken bits floating on it..."
It's not the smell or the sight of it. I can clean it up afterward. Not pleasant, but I'm alright. It's the sound, like Charon said, and the actual act that scare the living daylights out of me. The first time I had to take care of my son when he was puking I was shaking and trying not to cry while repeating, "It's ok. It's all ok. You're ok" more to myself than to him. My usual first reaction is to run away. I have gotten a lot better than I used to be.
Dammit, youtube apparently doesn't have that bit, but I was quoting Friends. Ross is about to drink a glass of fat and says that to himself.
I'm not sure if professionals would qualify what I have as actual "coulrophobia" cause I'm not really SCARED of clowns... I'm just uncomfortable around them. If there's a clown in the room you'll probably find me in the opposite corner, but if for some reason it (yes.. it) walks over you won't find me bolting and screaming just.... prepared to kick its ass in the event that it happens to have pointy teeth.

I will take the longer route if it means staying clear of a clown, sure... but is that really a PHOBIA? hmmmm?
Phobia in professional terms and phobia in everyday conversation mean entirely different things. In common language, phobia is just something you're scared of. In psychology terms, a phobia is an -extreme- anxiety disorder that severely impacts everyday life.

The difference is being uneasy around clowns (common use of phobia) and freaking the fuck out and refusing to leave your room for hours because you think IT might be playing on the tv somewhere, sometime.
I have said in other threads that I'm afraid of insects and little animals getting inside my body. It's like a mix between fear of insects and fear of bodily intrusion/rape...

I'm also extremely afraid of bees. I once almost got ran over because I was trying to avoid a bee... next to a busy street. And, for some reason, bees love my scent, to fly around me, to walk on my skin... And, for a time, they particularly liked to climb near my bellybutton, getting tangled on my hairy belly and poking their head inside it. Nice times.
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