Photshop the Zit Off!

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Ok, so I have this pic I really like of me in an ice bar shaking hands with an ice sculpture of a bear that really reminds me of a Jedi for some reason...

But as you can see, I had a prominent zit on my left cheek that day and I can't see anything else but the damned thing when I see the otherwise awesome picture... so I figured, hey, if movie stars cna doctor their pics, why can't I?

Problem is I suck at photoshop and when I tried doing it paint it just looked like... I had doctored it in paint.

Help me halforums-wan kenobi, you're my only you-know-what.
wahaha, I love the file name.

Thanks dude, you rock, I expected much more funny photoshops of people teasing me before someone actually did it. Heh.
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