Pick your poison

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So I've been working at a bar the last two days and it's been real great. I've bartended many times over my years, and I always like having it as a side gig. This bar seems to be unique in that we don't get a lot of liquor drinkers. Almost none, as a matter of fact. So where as I've been thinking I'm going to get some practice in and have my old drinks down in a couple of days, it looks like I'm going to actually have to do some work here and start memorizing drinks again.

So what do you like to drink? Give me a beer, wine, and a mixed drink you enjoy. I'd like to put some alcohol to the personalities around here.
Damn, there's a lot of different combinations I could mention. I guess I'll just go with my basic drink: Jack and coke. I know there are better drinks out there, but it's a simple and effective choice.


Jack and coke does seem to be a popular choice around these parts. My bar manager drinks it heavier than I do: Jack and coke, hold the coke. Make it a double. The manager has been known to down six or seven of these and not even blink. Sad part? She's a 24 year old girl who MIGHT weigh 130lbs soaking wet.

She makes my testicles retract.
Jack and coke does seem to be a popular choice around these parts. My bar manager drinks it heavier than I do: Jack and coke, hold the coke. Make it a double. The manager has been known to down six or seven of these and not even blink. Sad part? She's a 24 year old girl who MIGHT weigh 130lbs soaking wet.

She makes my testicles retract.
WOW. I drink Jack straight as well, but never anything close to that heavy. I'm impressed/scared.
Boddington's has been a staple of my beer-ing lately.

As for mixes, Crown and Coke or Captain and Coke. Not big on heavy mixers.

Straight I'll take a smooth Scotch or whisky on the rocks.


Boddingtons is pretty damn tasty, especially if you have something to compliment it with. I'd love to find a bar around here that stocked that faire. We have Guiness Surge which I'm curious about, but haven't tried.

I miss my Spatan Optimator though :\
Boddingtons is pretty damn tasty, especially if you have something to compliment it with. I'd love to find a bar around here that stocked that faire. We have Guiness Surge which I'm curious about, but haven't tried.

I miss my Spatan Optimator though :\
I found a place not far from my apartment that has Boddington's on tap, it's wonderful.


Staff member
Depending on my mood, I'll have one of these:

-A glass of red wine
-An Abita Amber (local beer) or a wheat ale
-An 'not quite mojito', as my sister calls it... rum, soda, and a crap-ton of lime juice
Usually get whatever seasonal beer the micro brewery in my home town does. Not great stuff but better than the generic commercial draft beer for the same price or less.

Usually have gin and tonic as a mix drink.

I like to do drop shots as well like Dr. Peppers and Jaeger bombs.

I know I drink like a lame person.
beer: Maredsous, Grimbergen and Hoegaarden Grand Cru

Wine: i don't drink much wine because of a problem with my liver but i loved white bordeaux.

mixed drink: the legendary vodka long island ice tea.
Beer: Flensburger Pils or Astra, if its hot outside a good Weizenbier

Mixed Drink: Gin Tonic

Wine: Not much of a Wine drinker,though if I had to,I prefer Argentinian Red Wines
Normal drink is Scotch, neat. Single malt preferred with water on the side if they have it.

Beer is what ever is local and heavy.

Wine is mulled.

And of course Eggnog.


Rum, coke and lime (Cuba Libre as some call it)
Whatever cheap sangria is on sale in the grocery.

That's about it.
Rum and cola, tequila and kiwi, vodka and lime, martini and cola, martini and lime, banana daikiri, and mostly everything that tastes fruity instead of alcoholy.

And hold the liquor in my glass! If I ask for more alcohol and less soda, it means I'm really drunk!

I can get drunk with two beers though (or 3 shandy), so glasses with just a bit of alcohol and a lot of the sweet stuff are good enough.
As for beer, currently on an Alt Vleteren stint (not to be confused with West-Vleteren...This one's brewn in East-Vleteren. I kid you not. It's awesome).
As for cocktail...I actually prefer cognac-coke over whiskey-coke.
As for pure strong drink, a single malt liquor, FFS HOLD THE ICE YOU BARBARIAN, preferably quite smokey. Smokehead's good, though perhaps a bit much in some circumstances.
For wines...I'm a sissy. With dinner, obviously, it strongly depends on what I'm eating.
Outside of with food, if I drink wine, it's usually a fruity young white from South-Africa. Hanepoot comes to mind.

And don't be upset about the manager...I've known cute little girls who could outdrink huge giants of men. Really weird sometimes. When I first came to uni, the then-president of my fraternity was a 24 y/o girl named Veronique, 1m60, looked about 14...And she could drink more than I've ever managed without getting drunk. :confused:
For beer, Guinness or Hertog Jan off the tap.

Whiskey usually Famous Grouse neat. Maybe a double if I feel like it. But only late in the night - I don't start off with 'em.
Bacardi and coke with a twist of lime. It's my family's drink! Except my cousin. She's the black sheep with her Tanqueray and tonic.

Every time I go to Chili's I order Abita Amber. That beer ruined Sam Adam's for me. I did see a special Blue Moon brew at the grocery. Would've bought it if it weren't almost $8.

Margaritas are nice, too!
Beer: Its a Polish beer called Okocim, I have found 3 different types that roughly fall into the Pilsner, Lager and Dark categories and all are tasty!

Mixed drink: I don't do this so much anymore but I remember one called a Bananas 250 which is 99 bananas, Bacardi 151, ice and if you cant handle it so far some fruit juice. (you can substitute 99 bananas for any of the other lovely 99 bottle flavors).

Wine: I don't drink wine to drink it. I like wine with food that's the only way ill drink wine. So if it tastes good with food it can be a box wine from the corner store, a table wine from some upscale restaurant in Europe or something someone recommended that they had once somewhere sometime.


Staff member
Amaretto di Saronno and sour. Only thing I drink and my limit is 1 (I've had 2 in one sitting twice in my life).

Yeah, I'm a lightweight.
Beer: Variable, in order. Shiner Bock, Guinness, Ziegen Bock, Bud Light.

Liquor: Jim Beam on the rocks, Gin and Tonic (my local bar changed Tonic water, it now tastes like plain carbonated water with no syrup or quinine.)
Pretty much mix anything with Vodka and I are the happy.

If I had to choose? Sugar-Free Red Bull + Vodka

Oh and Dave has the same tastes as my gf, she loves Amaretto Sours. Though she usually drinks Long Islands (top shelf).


Gin and tonic's my usual, seeing as it never gives me a hangover, but seeing as I have a choice... one whiskey sour, please.
If I'm going out I drink either beer or coke, depending on whether I drive or not. Whatever is on draft.
When drinking at home: during a nice dinner some wine and in any other situation beer. Either Grolsch or Leffe mostly.

I'm not much of a drinker really, just a social drinker.

Wasabi Poptart

Beer: Blue Moon, Green Flash Trippel (local brewery), or Guinness

Mixed: (not necessarily what I normally drink, but these are drinks I have liked over the years) margarita -frozen or not, frozen strawberry daiquiri with whipped cream, pina colada, Cape Cod, Bay Breeze, Lynchburg Lemonade, Lemon Drop shots, Long Island Iced Tea, Apple Jack, Fuzzy Navel, Russian Quaalude, White Russian, Irish Coffee, Nutty Irishman, Pink Squirrel (this was my mom's drink for many years)...

Wine: house red, pink zinfandel, or Sangria
Beer: Hoegaarden if I have a choice; since most bars/restaurants around here don't have it, probably Blue Moon or Sam Adams when I am 21.

Wine: Depends entirely on what I'm eating. I developed a strong affinity toward good French wine when I was living abroad, though. If I am drinking wine without food, I'll generally try to find something more on the sweet side; if I'm serving it with food, dry.

Mixed drinks: Anything with white rum is usually good; vodka is my second choice. I'll drink (and savor) whisky if it's top-shelf stuff, but no cheap swill for me. As to what drinks I like? Bacardi-and-coke, White Russians, any sort of fruity blended ice drink, Long Island Iced teas, etc.
Beer: Hoegaarden if I have a choice; since most bars/restaurants around here don't have it, probably Blue Moon or Sam Adams when I am 21.

Wine: Depends entirely on what I'm eating. I developed a strong affinity toward good French wine when I was living abroad, though. If I am drinking wine without food, I'll generally try to find something more on the sweet side; if I'm serving it with food, dry.

Mixed drinks: Anything with white rum is usually good; vodka is my second choice. I'll drink (and savor) whisky if it's top-shelf stuff, but no cheap swill for me. As to what drinks I like? Bacardi-and-coke, White Russians, any sort of fruity blended ice drink, Long Island Iced teas, etc.
Hoegaarden is awesome. Hard to find on tap, sadly. :(


Can I actually order milk at a bar or is that just something the teetotaler does in movies/shows?
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