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Pirates of the Carribean 4




So it's finally official after a two and a half year planning period.




They just need to stop.




They just need to stop.
Two and three suffered because they were trying to do a big, epic story arc. If they made each movie independent of each other (I.E. what Indiana Jones used to be) then it wouldn't be so bad. There is definitely still life in this franchise.




Man reading that first line with only reading this threads title in my head...

"Johnny Depp, Miley Cyrus, John Travolta, Tim Burton, Nicolas Cage and the Muppets are all set to appear...."

I was thinking either that was going to be the best or worst Pirate movie ever.




Worst. Easily.

I say this because I don't feel there was "3 Pirates" movies already. Just 1 major epic in 3 parts. As a whole, it's a phenomenal movie.




Man reading that first line with only reading this threads title in my head...

"Johnny Depp, Miley Cyrus, John Travolta, Tim Burton, Nicolas Cage and the Muppets are all set to appear...."

I was thinking either that was going to be the best or worst Pirate movie ever.
I would PAY to see "Muppets of the Caribbean", if only for them to have Tim Curry play Long John Silver again and have him team up Depp as Jack Sparrow. THAT would be fucking epic.




Worst. Easily.

I say this because I don't feel there was "3 Pirates" movies already. Just 1 major epic in 3 parts. As a whole, it's a phenomenal movie.
I mean Pirate movies in general. There are 100's of them.

So far the worst is...




It doesn't matter who they add to the cast, the fact that Miley Cyrus will be in it, is the guaranteed reason why I'll never see it.



Well I'll see it regardless. And I won't be disappointed if it isn't as good as the first three because the first three really were quite remarkable movies and even if it isn't as outstanding I have faith in the POTC team to make a movie worth watching.



I'll watch it.

I bet there'll be pirates in it!

And I liked Cutthroat Island. :(




Well I'll see it regardless. And I won't be disappointed if it isn't as good as the first three because the first three really were quite remarkable movies and even if it isn't as outstanding I have faith in the POTC team to make a movie worth watching.
I thought the first POTC was a smart, small, effects driven movie. The second too were just overblown, effects driven, behemoths getting shoved down our throats. After seeing the second one, I swore that I would not see the last. But curiosity got the better of me, and I saw it anyways.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What? You people can't read. That link is about stars promoting an upcoming SLATE of many Disney movies. Of which one is Pirates. Only Johnny Depp was there for Pirates 4


Kitty Sinatra

yeah, I watched the 2nd and 3rd back to back. I did not like them. They were too . . . I don't know. I just didn't like them




yeah, I watched the 2nd and 3rd back to back. I did not like them. They were too . . . I don't know. I just didn't like them
The second one suffered because it was plain to see that the writers were banking on a third movie. The third movie suffered because of the poor storytelling in the previous movie.




What? You people can't read. That link is about stars promoting an upcoming SLATE of many Disney movies. Of which one is Pirates. Only Johnny Depp was there for Pirates 4
Some of us didn't bother reading the article for fear of our eyes bleeding.




And actually,t he 4th is supposed to be moving back form the over cgi epic style the 2nd and 3rd went for. I am interested to see where it goes, and do hold out hope for it.




It can't be any worse than 2 or 3.

If they are dumping everyone but Depp then it will probably only get better.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I was hoping there'd be a Depp vs Rush dynamic to it.

Early stuff from the writers have suggested possible plotlines involving the fountain of youth, a lost world of dinosaurs, Atlantis, and probably some Jules Verne stuff... Judge that for what you will.




Fountain of youth was the main one going, as of what I have heard.



Pirates of the Carribean 4 - Plan: SHANNOW.


"Jack Sparrow Gets Some!"


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

That would be different.

And believable, depending on the circumstances.




No Keira Knightley?

Eh, I'll probably watch it sooner or later, if not in theaters then on cable eventually.



Why would she be in it? Her and Will's story have finished, now. There's nothing more to add to either character.

Besides, they were basically just there to react to Jack's antics.




I'm sure they could find some reason to bring her back, if they wanted to.

Will is unhappy with the prospect of living forever as the captain of the Dutchman, because he'd have to watch Elizabeth grow old and die. He teams up with Jack Sparrow to find the Fountain of Youth, with the intention of using it to grant Elizabeth eternal life. When they reach the Fountain, they find that it only works once every five hundred years, and each time it only provides enough water for one. Jack wants immortality for himself, Will wants it for Elizabeth, wacky hijinks ensue.

Also, at some point someone slaps Jack. Also there'll be a monkey. An undead one.




... except William can only step onto land once every 10 years, and then for only a day. He'd spend all the movie on a ship.




... except William can only step onto land once every 10 years, and then for only a day. He'd spend all the movie on a ship.
The third movie showed that the Dutchman's captain can step onto land as long as he stays in a bucket of water. Will is transported everywhere in a bucket of seawater, which is conveyed on a large wagon, drawn by Pintel and Ragetti. Though, of course, they're not happy about this particular job, so they keep trying to get out of it. More hijinks ensue.

You know, I'm starting to think I could just write a fanfic.





My biggest problems with the second and third movies were people giving me dirty looks everytime I called them The East India Company Strikes back and Return of the Captain Jack.




It doesn't matter who they add to the cast, the fact that Miley Cyrus will be in it, is the guaranteed reason why I'll never see it.
Oooh that's a guaranteed reason I will be seeing it..[/QUOTE]

There are times Amorous.... there are times I just want to..... :explode:


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Well I'll see it regardless. And I won't be disappointed if it isn't as good as the first three because the first three really were quite remarkable movies and even if it isn't as outstanding I have faith in the POTC team to make a movie worth watching.
I thought the first POTC was a smart, small, effects driven movie. The second too were just overblown, effects driven, behemoths getting shoved down our throats. After seeing the second one, I swore that I would not see the last. But curiosity got the better of me, and I saw it anyways.[/QUOTE]

This was also me




^And it SUCKED.


Kitty Sinatra

I bought used DvDs of the 2 and 3 and watched them back to back on a big screen TV. Man, that was a looooo-oong night.

More than anything, I think the parts with Sparrow dead were grindingly boring.




For me Barbosa is what made the first and third films. I also loved Bill Nighy as Davey Jones.

In fact can we just ditch Sparrow and have Barbosa going to the Fountain of Youth to ressurect Jones? :D




For me Barbosa is what made the first and third films. I also loved Bill Nighy as Davey Jones.

In fact can we just ditch Sparrow and have Barbosa going to the Fountain of Youth to ressurect Jones? :D
This. The only thing I liked about 3 was Barbossa. He was fucking awesome.




You guys are brain damaged. Barbossa WAS great, but there can be only one Jack Sparrow!!!



Man, here I come into a great forum subject, and I realize that I don't have a single thing to add to the conversation.

I'm of the "first great/second two suck/have hope for the fourth" crowd.




You guys are brain damaged. Barbossa WAS great, but there can be only one Jack Sparrow!!!
Yeah, and he's a solid character. But Barbossa steals the third movie by a long shot in my opinion. Jack's easily a close second for that one though.



I think it was more their mutual chemistry together that stole the movie. :D




I'm damn glad I read the thread and the article first. I was sall set to go "Miley Cyrus to replace Keira Knightley? Hell no", but, phew :-P

I the the first one was a great pirate movie, the second was a nice SFX movie, and the third was cool once they get past Singapore. But I still hate the way they killed off the Kraken.



I'm damn glad I read the thread and the article first. I was sall set to go "Miley Cyrus to replace Keira Knightley? Hell no", but, phew :-P

I the the first one was a great pirate movie, the second was a nice SFX movie, and the third was cool once they get past Singapore. But I still hate the way they killed off the Kraken.
Yeah, they were all "So, the Kraken's gone now. Yeah. Don't have to worry about that plot point any more."

They should have just had them kill the Kraken in the 2nd movie.




You guys are brain damaged. Barbossa WAS great, but there can be only one Jack Sparrow!!!
Thank God. Now kill him off quickly! ;)

In the first movie he was great. By the second it was like he had become a parody of himself. In the third he was just annoying.




As long as it is self-contained, I will probably end up going to see it.

I have a thing where all "Threequals" by nature are crap because the second and third movie is just one big movie cut in two. If they made each movie a more self-contained affair I would have liked them a lot more.

Also, don't add back in characters and give them an important role the second movie, only to kill them off in the most retarded manner the next movie. (Norrington)




In the first movie he was great. By the second it was like he had become a parody of himself. In the third he was just annoying.
Seems I'm the exact opposite side of the spectrum of this opinion. I feel he was the only saving grace of the entire series. With exception to Barbossa and a few Davy Jones scenes, I couldn't stand the character cast.




Seems I'm the exact opposite side of the spectrum of this opinion. I feel he was the only saving grace of the entire series. With exception to Barbossa and a few Davy Jones scenes, I couldn't stand the character cast.
I actually think Jack and Barbossa should be the only reoccurring characters anyways (and maybe Gibs). The Will and Elizabeth story should be buried, only bring them back for maybe a cameo but the interest in them has run out, we need new characters that don't get killed off in the first 15 minutes of the movie or turn into raging sea gods.




I'd probably bring back Pintel and Ragetti (One eyed pirate and his uncle). They work well as a comedic duo, as well as a sort of "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, if they were pirates". Besides, something tells me that a guy with one eye isn't going to get a lot of parts...




In the first movie he was great. By the second it was like he had become a parody of himself. In the third he was just annoying.
Seems I'm the exact opposite side of the spectrum of this opinion. I feel he was the only saving grace of the entire series. With exception to Barbossa and a few Davy Jones scenes, I couldn't stand the character cast.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, anyone with a modicum of taste dislikes Orlando Bloom :-P


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

One thing I liked in the third movie is when Pintel and Ragetti faced the two colony soldiers who had guarded the boats in the first POTC. Comedy bit-parts battle!




Arrr, everybody knows that PotC stole half their ideas from Monkey Island.
