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Play us your tracks (Music/Soundcloud/Halforum Integration)




Ame worked up this slick code when I asked her about using the Soundcloud player here on the forum for my bands stuff. So if you have music you want to share you can go to Soundcloud and sign up for a free account, upload your tracks and share them here on halforums (as well as facebook, myspace, blogs, etc with just one click) with us!
So here is what the player looks like when the code is used:

Slick huh?

And here is the code (merely take out the spaces to use it for yourself):
[ sc ] http://soundcloud.com/fallenempire/a-fly-to-honey [ /sc ]

So, musicians? Go nuts!




Oh wow! That is awesome! ^.~
No kidding right? Some kind of awesome genius made it work :p


Kitty Sinatra

oh hells yeah!

I know what my next dare for Ame's gonna be when she finally gets around to answering those questions I posed.

Oh, and espy, I'm reminded of the Tea Party.




Wow, they are pretty sweet! I've never heard of them... gonna have to check them out...


Kitty Sinatra

They were huge here in Canada for a brief spurt in the 90's. They put out 4 studio albums that I'm aware of (and possess). Each of them has an definite eastern influence to it, with their early stuff being also quite Zeppelin-esque and their latter stuff being, well, not.


Chad Sexington


One time, while working at Blockbuster here in Edmonton I met a guy who used to be in the Tea Party. I forget his name but he had moved to town recently, if I remember correctly and he was super cool. I was pretty excited to meet him. Wish I'd seen him there more often but I quite shortly after he signed up. Can't even remember his name...

On topic: Cool and if I had a band/audio things I would take part. Instead it falls to you drones to entertain me.




I'm wondering how many musicians/bands we actually have connected to the board...




I'm wondering how many musicians/bands we actually have connected to the board...
I play the baby. You might be surprised at the range of sounds a properly tuned baby can produce. I'd totally be in a band with you, Cajun, and Tin.




me likey very much

<---- Big influence huh?




Among others, totally :)



I discovered the Battles in this forum, which is why I love you guys.
*gropes stienman*




I have been getting back into the music. This one is from a while back but still one of my favorites. :)





I wonder if one of you techno-music type dudes could do anything cool around an irish music melody line.. Having some awesome techno backing on the whistle would be sweet


Zumbo Prime

I'm pretty sure it's possible to stream music from Windows 7 online. I set it up for me 360 yesterday, and it gave me that as an option.

I wonder if one of you techno-music type dudes could do anything cool around an irish music melody line.. Having some awesome techno backing on the whistle would be sweet
Closest thing I've ever found to what you're looking for. Found it while looking for lulz.
