Playstation Home

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Has anyone else tried Home? I've been playing around with my new PS3 since I got it near the end of December and Home is...well, it's interesting.

I mean, yeah, it's like Second Life and there's no way I could chat without a microphone or a keyboard, but I like the idea behind it. My only qualm is that they advertise it as free...except you have to spend money for clothes and crap. Is there a way to earn in-game money any way or is all through the usual way (credit card)?


I've played around it a few times. It's an interesting concept which I hope Sony will add more too it with more interactive games.
One neat feature was if you ordered Arkham Asylum for the PS3 you got the batcave as a home for Playstation Home.

Do you have the Slim though? I have the old 80GB one. I should have waited.

It would be a nice feature if your avie could play soccer with others or racing. That would be cool.

You can use a credit card or pick up the Playstation Network gift cards at stores like Walmart.
You can also use that to buy tv shows or movies on the playstation store as well.
I just goofed around a little with it a few minutes ago. Wound up chatting with a fellow nice player, shock of shocks. We played a couple of rounds of bowling and added each other as friends.

Heh, yeah, I just read about the Arkham thing. Too bad it's only if you pre-order it or something.

I like the idea behind Home, since I used to be an IRC junkie, but maybe they should allow you to get points to buy clothes just for being on there, similar to TF2.


True. But its an interesting concept as you said. Something unique compared to the 360's way.
Just wish we had a sig bar to place in forums like Microsoft makes for their users.

A point system where you could unlock things like with the 360 would be nice. Voice chat
outside of gaming would be a nice feature instead of messaging all the time.
There's a game on Home called Sodium One that I really liked, but you can only play the first 5 levels unless you buy the special in-game shirt. I believe it's 5 bucks, which is reasonable, but I'm simply not willing to pay that much for new skin sets for my avatar. If it was 10-25 cents, yeah I might consider loading 5 bucks onto my account and getting things I really like. But I'm simply not willing to spend 3-5 bucks for EACH article of digital clothing. It's just not worth that much to me and I'm surprised there are enough people who pay for it that they decided they could have it at that price. Hell, for 5 bucks I could go to a bargain shirt store and get a few REAL shirts.


The first few and only times I tried Home, I was greeted by this sterile landscape filled with ghosts all wandering around not talking to each other that every so often popped into existence as their avatars loaded.

It was like a bizarre digital performance piece regarding modern society.

I eventually stopped going there and deleted all the Home files on my HD.
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