Please HELP - money stolen from my bank account

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So there's a mysterious $140 charge on my account that I didn't make, leaving me with a negative balance. The chase website is fucking useless, and I can't seem to get through to any human on the phone (or doubt that I can this time of night). Any suggestions what to do? Should I wait until the bank opens in the morning? I'd prefer to take some kind of action NOW if I can.

I JUST got a new debit card two months ago. I've hardly used it. I find it hard to believe somebody could have stolen the number already. I'm hoping this is simply some kind of glitch, but I'm still freaking out. I'm not sure if I can fall asleep after this, but lack of sleep is NOT helping.
Do you know where the charge was made? Was it a store? An ATM? If it's a store of any kind, you can try going there and ask who made the transaction. I'm sure they keep logs or something. Do you remember giving your numbers to anybody? The bank is probably your best bet, though. I'm not sure if they refund, but you can always try.
It was from a Kohl's, or rather a KOHLS DEPT STORE 8005645740 BOC 1249. I've never given my number to anybody, like I said I've hardly had a chance to use it myself. The only people who I've used it with is GoDaddy, Eve Online, my local Target, a Del Taco, and the ATM at my own bank (which I make a habit of checking for card-reading devices first)

The transaction is still "pending," plus it was for more than my account even had, so hopefully it simply isn't going to go through. But it happened just before my monthly GoDaddy payment, so chances are my card will be locked down for a little while and my website will get shut down :(


Sadly, I had my CC replace already cause someone in Detroit clone my card and try to charge stuff, but luckily my card company has good monitoring system and block it (I never been to Detroit) The only thing I can think of doing right now is report your card stolen and get a new one AND file a refund for the charges you didn't make. Sadly, that will take months. :(


Staff member
There should be a number to call on the card. These places are usually open 24/7 for fraud. Yes, when you call it'll probably invalidate your card but that's not a bad thing.

The store number indicates that the charges were made in Napa, CA so if you haven't been to anywhere close to Sacramento then this charge is probably fraud. Call the bank NOW!

If you need help with the web site for the month let me know. I can help with that.
That's the exact same number on my card, which isn't letting me get to a person. I'm getting ready to leave right now, I plan on being at the bank when it opens.
Yeah, just talk to a bank teller, they'll get it sorted out. You may have to sign a few forms, basically to legally state that you are certain those withdrawls aren't yours.

I've had this happen to me three or four times since moving to Oakville. There's a pretty big Pin pad replacement racket here.
First couple of times the bank red flagged my card and cancelled it before they could actually take anything.
Last time they replaced one of the pin pads in the college cafeteria, and got a hold of hundreds of students' accounts. I had $400 taken out in two seperate withdrawls, in another city. The bank cancelled my card and gave me back my money. No fuss.


I had something similar happen with a podiatrists office in Greensboro, turns out that someone had manually punched in an incorrect card number manually, they had it corrected in a few hours. We still changed cards, nothing's happened since.
Happened to me just the other day. Got a call that my bank had cancelled my debit card and to call them immediately. I asked where the card was flagged but I was told they couldn't tell me but I could contact my local police department for suspicious locations.

Thanks assholes.


Staff member
I talk gibberish to the automated voices until I get a real person. It always works. "For ____ press 1, for _____, press 2." ".....BWAALAALALAAA!" "....Please hold." Try it! I hope you get to the bottom of it.


Staff member
Mine was used once in Tennessee at a Wal*Mart. Funny since I wasn't there, huh?

The bank reversed the charges but the card was as good as useless.
Finally managed to get ahold of somebody by just pressing through the menu randomly (I was caring less and less who it connected me too), apparently the transaction was an attempted use of a check. He said since it was pending, they couldn't dispute it yet, and it would probably just bounce and go away so I should "just wait it out and see what happens." That hardly sounds like reasonable advice, considering the fact that somebody is forging checks for my account.

If they charge me a fee for a bounced check for this I'm so quitting chase.

Wasabi Poptart

Yeah bounced checked don't usually "go away". I'd go to the local branch and speak with the manager.
Don't wait it out. If someone is forging checks, close your account and get a new one. More will probably come through.
Yeah, go in in person and talk to someone face to face. Unless you have the worst bank in the world, they'll fix it. I've never had problems with this with my bank, despite my card number being stolen several times.

That's weird that its a cheque though, I've never had that particular type of fraud.

Wasabi Poptart

Sometimes it's the bank's error. When the checks come through their system, they can be encoded wrong and take money from the wrong account. I saw that happen a few times when I was a teller.
Quick post since I'm on iPhone. Call the 800 number that's shows up on ur card. Where it says that kohls depth store 800xxxxxxx call that number to het ahold of kohls see if they can reverse the charge
Happened to me just the other day. Got a call that my bank had cancelled my debit card and to call them immediately. I asked where the card was flagged but I was told they couldn't tell me but I could contact my local police department for suspicious locations.

Thanks assholes.
Lolwut? *chuckles*

Had something similar happen, except someone had been going through my mail, lifted my phone number and account info for one of my bills, then pretended to be a bill collector. DAMNED near worked, too. When I talked to my sergeant about it, he told me I couldn't investigate it myself. Shyeah! Right!
Happened to me just the other day. Got a call that my bank had cancelled my debit card and to call them immediately. I asked where the card was flagged but I was told they couldn't tell me but I could contact my local police department for suspicious locations.

Thanks assholes.
Lolwut? *chuckles*

Had something similar happen, except someone had been going through my mail, lifted my phone number and account info for one of my bills, then pretended to be a bill collector. DAMNED near worked, too. When I talked to my sergeant about it, he told me I couldn't investigate it myself. Shyeah! Right![/QUOTE]

Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny. The not funny part is we have no complaints of any local card duping or fraudulent withdrawals.
It's been 6 or 7 years, but I used to work at Chase in their Service Line department (normal customer service for checking/savings). For the menu, as far as I know, you can press *0 to bypass the menu and get to someone. You might have to do it twice. It should dump you into that Service Line group (they might call it something else now). Have them transfer you to a fraud specialist. If they refuse, escalate, though remain calm. They had an extremely high turnover rate when I worked there and I can only imagine it's worse now.

Or, check the Chase website, find the number for the Fraud department and call them directly. My grandmother has chase and had to dispute some charges. I received no pushback when i called. Don't freak out when you call. It's not the rep's fault and they will far more willing to help out a calm customer. If something doesn't seem right (like telling you to contact the police department or wait for the charge to go through), escalate. During a fraud investigation, your account can be credited with goodwill funds for the fraudulent amount while the investigation takes place (at least when I called for my grandmother). If the investigation is in your favor, your account remains unchanged. If they determine there is no fraud, your account is debited the goodwill funds you were credited.

I know you're upset, but refrain from raising your voice or taking it out on the rep, even if they seem incompetent. Calmly ask to speak to a manager and insist on the escalation if the rep tries to further assist. Once you get the manager, again, calmly explain the situation and what the previous rep told you. Let them know it's unacceptable for you to be out of the whatever funds were in your account and have to deal with the NSF fee that your account will be hit with when the check bounces, if it bounces (as Chase has a habit of approving transations resulting in a small negative balance).
GAH! It happened AGAIN! My balance is now -$200. And chase's response is still the same: they're not going to do anything until the transaction is complete, at which point I can dispute it. Fuck you, Chase. Fuck. You. As soon as this is cleared up I'm getting my money (if I get it back) the fuck out of there.
Tell them if they can't close the account until it gets cleared up then lock the account so no more transactions can go through. You'll probably see even more come through over the next week.

Element 117

Fraud tel #s

Chase Deposit (Checking and Savings) Customers
1-800-935-9935 Chase Deposit (Checking and Savings) Customers outside the U.S.
Chase Premier Platinum Customers
1-888-262-4273 Mortgage Customers
Credit Card Customers (Personal)
1-800-436-7927 Credit Card Customers (Business)
Chase Auto Finance Retail/Loan Customers


Staff member
I don't know if anyone else here has had a similar experience, but when a similar thing happened to me, Capital One was freaking on it. It took less time to take care of than they said it would, and everyone was really polite and helpful. Maybe it's just the people at my branch, but I am always satisfied with their service and policies.


Staff member
GAH! It happened AGAIN! My balance is now -$200. And chase's response is still the same: they're not going to do anything until the transaction is complete, at which point I can dispute it. Fuck you, Chase. Fuck. You. As soon as this is cleared up I'm getting my money (if I get it back) the fuck out of there.
Submit your story to The Consumerist. If the blog posts it you'll shame Chase into giving you better customer support, and you'll get a lot of good ideas from the commenters there. Also, they've got instructions on how to send an "Executive Email Carpet Bomb", where you send a message to all the high-ups in a company, a tactic that's been known to get results.
Banks are evil, join a good credit union, they rock. Once you get this problem straightened out of course...good luck.
So, a scan of one of the checks that were written showned up on my online statement. They look like legitimate checks, owned by a guy named Randy Thomas, only they have my routing number on them. Is it possible this was a big bank error, that maybe he got a set printed with a typo on it making them my number by mistake? A phone number is on the check, should I try calling him and asking him to stop, or should I just tell the bank all this and not contact the guy?
Call the cops and give them his info? Or will they even bother? I mean, hell if you have the guys information I would think they would act on that...


Staff member
Go to the cops. More than likely the information on the checks is incorrect anyway or is that of a live person but not the person stealing your identity.

What they did was to spoof the check information onto checks by another guy and are using that identity as the fall guy. But on the off chance this guy is dumb enough to use his own information...

But yeah, you ALWAYS want the cops on this. You go there yourself or call and you are asking for trouble. Do not do this unless the police will be no help and tell you so.
Also call Chase and move up that representative ladder. What they are telling you is bullshit. Your account should be locked and thrown away by now.
If you aren't on the hook for any of the purchases, I wouldn't worry about contacting the cops. Give it all to the bank. Did you get the account closed yet?
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