Post here when you are in the future

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Oh man!

I can't wait for my time machine to work! In about 9 hours It'll have enough energy to transport me to the futuristic year of 2010!

Flying cars!

Hooker robots!

Super cocaine!

It's going to be great!
Hmm, I must be in the future from you, because I'm only 8 hrs away from 2010.

Just so you know, everything is fine now. Just let the worms crawl over you, if you stay still, they will leave you alone.

Kitty Sinatra

Sweet. My #1 resolution for this year is to do super cocaine off a hooker robot's robotits in the backseat of my flying cadillac.
I am optimistic for the future. I become a space-person future-man in only five short hours. I will let you know what it's like on the other side.


Staff member
Greetings, primitive ape creatures! Open your auditory sensors on all frequencies and receive my subspace-relayed transmission from the distant future... FROM THE YEAR 2010, 27 minutes in!

Twilight... sucks... ass!


'Nother message from the future here.

Society's collapsed, most of the British Isles are under water, Scotland's been taken over by cannibalistic Glaswegians, the Welsh are inbreeding like there's no tomorrow (let's be fair - there probably isn't), and continental Europe's neck-deep in road warriors. Oh, and I think we've got zombies, too.

Hope you like leather.
//Urgent message from 2010: to any people still alive//

>>Don't hide. Run.
>>They are coming.
>>Use fire!

//End transmission//
In the prelude to the New Year, myself, my mother, and a family friend have consumed 10 lbs of Mussels, a smaller amount of shrimp, and have admired a pair of Sealskin mitts.

We are speculating how else we might terrorize the sea before 2010.

I've almost charged up all 1.21 jiggawatts and the flux capacitor is working quite nicely! 4.5 hours to go!


The future blows. It's all post-apocalyptic and shit. Mutants and ghouls wander the streets, the air is dangerously toxic and everyone has to live in vaults. The intertubes seem to be working fine though.
Oh god! The horror! Aliens have struck a peace for Robots, and they are working together to subjugate us! Going underground now. See you in three years ... a prophecy has been found detailing the coming of the robo-christ in 2013 ...

Kitty Sinatra

Oh dear god! It was the fireworks! They conquered us with the fireworks.

The Horror.

The Horror.
The first strike in what promises to be a long conflict: not two hours into the new year, my GPS tried to kill me by sending me down a one way street the wrong way. We all knew the Robot Revolution was coming. I just expected it to be louder. More direct, and less sinister.

I promptly shot my cellphone with a shotgun. The laptop is next, after I get this message out. I cannot risk what disaster it could bring.
Don't try and fool those of us still stuck in past! That's a Soylent Green Smoothie, isn't it? ISN'T IT!?!?
Ok, I'm finally in the future, and everything seems fine so far. Although I'm noticing every restaurant now seems to be Taco Bell, and for some reason every song on the radio was an old commercial jingle.


When do we get to see a Chinese spacecraft land on Europa and get destroyed by the indigenous lifeforms? And when do we get to look up and see Lucifer in the night sky?
Man, I boarded my upper windows and everything, and the zombies are slow.

What a waste of my time!

Wasabi Poptart

I don't think the future is as exciting as advertised. I want a refund or else I'm contacting my lawyer and the media.
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