Practicing my force push skills...

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...on a helpless child.

(Sorry, couldn't figure out the youtube coding.)


That will be so useful for when she fails to dust under the table well.
That was awesome! I couldn't stop laughing!

When my sister was little, we used to play like that... except SHE was the one force-pushing me (or using "That children's teacher's magic", as a reference to Yoda in episode II). I bet seeing a two year old little girl force-pushing a 100 Kilo 19 year old was quite a show.


Staff member
Wait, isn't that the same kiddo in that Power Rangers clip sometime ago? =) I see you are well on your way of training her into the next Hollywood action chick :D


Regarding the force push: AAAAAWWWW. She is so cute! I love how much of a kick she gets out of it! My boyfriend does something similar to this with our cat. The cat likes to flop over if someone is chasing him, so my boyfriend will just make one stomping motion toward him and put his hands out, and about 75% of the time, he'll flop over.
You have the honor of being posted to my Facebook feed.

My daughter does something like this. Especially with pillows.
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