Pray for my buddy

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Staff member
...or whatever prayer-like thing you believe in.

I have a friend who's just now facing his mom's death after a couple of years. He's going through some other heavy issues, too. I love this guy very much. He's a handful, but he's also one of the sweetest and most generous people you'll ever meet. He's been determined to push through this alone, but finally he's decided to talk to someone about his problems and maybe try to work through em.

All I can do is listen. It breaks my heart, this week he told me he just wants to feel valued, like he's special to someone, but he can't stop knocking himself down. He broke up with his girlfriend because he felt like he was too needy and couldn't give back as much as he wanted, and he didn't want to ask her to fill a void that can't be filled at the moment.

I love this friend of mine so much, and I don't see him nearly enough. Anyone who can spare a moment, think a kind thought for this friend of mine. He needs it, and I want him to get better so badly.

Thanks, everyone. :)


Staff member
Never been a praying man... but if your friend complains about having a sore keister one of these days, don't worry. It's just me giving him a kick for good fortune.


Staff member
:) Thanks, y'all. I appreciate it. Frankly, I'm not sure who I pray to, but I still do it naturally after years of being without religion. Go fig.


Staff member
Naw, the will of Maurice is revealed to the world by his faithful servants, the dust bunnies.

Follow the bunnies, young Cajun...


I will certainly pray for him and send him my good will.
I hope everything goes well for him.
To a friend be a friend and give gift for gift;
Jest should be taken with jest, wile with wile.
To a friend be a friend, both to thim and his friends;
But to enemy's friend, be not bound by friendship.
If you know a friend, believe in him and desire his goodwill;
Go share his tastes, and gifts exchange; go often seek him out.
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