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Prepare for the end of Harry Potter (no spoilers please)




Yeah, I've read the book, but please try to refrain from posting spoilers not contained in teasers and trailers. This thread just serves as a dumping ground for lead up to the movie

Brought on by this awesome video, a look back at the past 7 films:

I'm not sure I'll have time to re-read the books or even re-watch the movies prior to seeing HP7II, but I'm excited about it....




I will be seeing this at midnight when it comes out if I can't get advanced screen copies as I did before. And I'll take the next day off from work.




What is the secret to getting advanced screening tickets?




How long until JK blows through her mountain of cash and has to write another Book and Movie deal???




What is the secret to getting advanced screening tickets?
There's a couple of ways, actually. I use www.gofobo.com, www.filmmetro.com, troll local radio stations who always are giving away free passes, etc. I also have a friend who is in the (local) movie scene and gets passes frequently.




How long until JK blows through her mountain of cash and has to write another Book and Movie deal???
She's supposedly working on a Wizarding World Encyclopedia ATM, but all other signs seem to point that she intends to end the series after that... which is a shame because there is a lot of stuff she could still do with the world. For instance, Hogwarts books about each of the houses to show what it's like to actually be someone other than a Gryffindor (which isn't really covered well in the books).




I'm sure she has tons of information and stories about the world she created.

However, few would compare with Harry Potter on most levels, and hopefully she realizes that it's often better to leave people wanting more than to keep feeding them stuff until they get bored and walk away.

It's going to be hard to do anything, though, because it will always be compared to Harry Potter.



Frankie Williamson

How long until JK blows through her mountain of cash and has to write another Book and Movie deal???
She'd have to blow over a million dollars a day for the next 40 years to spend all her money.




Ok, someone break out photoshop, and drop JK on top of a scrooge mcduck style pile of cash in front of her castle:

No one can spend this much money in a lifetime...

...but I'm willing to try.




She'd have to blow over a million dollars a day for the next 40 years to spend all her money.
It has been done many times before.

Hopefully her run in with poverty as an adult will make her wiser with her money.




I'm sure she has tons of information and stories about the world she created.

However, few would compare with Harry Potter on most levels, and hopefully she realizes that it's often better to leave people wanting more than to keep feeding them stuff until they get bored and walk away.

It's going to be hard to do anything, though, because it will always be compared to Harry Potter.
And yet Sir Terry Pratchett has been putting out books for god knows how long as part of his Discworld series and their quality hasn't diminished at all. If anything, it's improved. Who's to say she doesn't have the same chops?




And yet Sir Terry Pratchett has been putting out books for god knows how long as part of his Discworld series and their quality hasn't diminished at all. If anything, it's improved. Who's to say she doesn't have the same chops?
Pratchet has not written what amounts to a monomyth style epic or hero's journey.

Yes, she could write stories, and fans would buy them.

But they could not compare to the story she's already written.

Were I her, and if I wanted to milk it for money, I'd start licensing it to other writers. Let others tell the tales while I make the money on royalties.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

It'd also give others a crack at contributing officially to the mythos, so long as they worked within her parameters.

Our prep for the final film is rent HP7: Part 1, since we skipped it in theaters.




I've only seen the first and fifth installments of the movie franchise, so I have no idea what is going on when it gets to the last movie...


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I've only seen the first and fifth installments of the movie franchise, so I have no idea what is going on when it gets to the last movie...
That's hilarious. I hope you see the eighth movie before seeing any of the others.


Philosopher B.

I wanna see this so funking bad. Despite having regular Pottergasms, I have as yet not attended a Potter-related event at midnight. I think I'm finally gonna go for it!

*Accio glee*

Also, I very much doubt Rowling will go bankrupt any time soon. She's just got to avoid buying too many tigers *COUGH* imlookingatyouMC-Hammer *COUGH*, and she should be great.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

I skipped the first half of this movie since it seemed kind of shitty and I doubt any of the good stuff from the book spoilers I read happens in it.


Philosopher B.

I skipped the first half of this movie since it seemed kind of shitty and I doubt any of the good stuff from the book spoilers I read happens in it.
Nooo, it was actually pretty good! Some of the Potter movies have a problem with pacing; this let the characters breathe a little (but it wasn't, like, yawn-worthy or anything). Plus it had dancing. And rad animations. And
a minor character's death.

Edit: Oh, yeah, and if for nothing else, you should see it for the amazing polyjuice potion sequence near the beginning!



Well, things no matter how they might be, would still be yearning for a closure -- an ending! And let us given this privilege to Harry Potter and his friends as well as the woman behind the book and the movie.




Snape kills Dumbledore.

Wait, hang on...




I didn't really like the first half of part 7, though I have trouble pinning down why. I'd have to see it again, I guess. In fact, as someone who has never read the books, I have been disappointed by more than half of the films so far. Number 4 really gets my ire up, while 2, and 5 were pretty forgettable to me.




Most of the first half was Harry & Co traipsing around the countryside trying to figure out what to do next. This was in the books, too, and dragged. They tried to spice it up by having a Harry/Hermione dance scene that made it look like they would be getting together, but it was still slow in parts.




Part one of HP7 is a big downer. There was little good that occurred. I don't think there's much they could have done about it, though, since the book itself tries to give the feeling of hopelessness in the middle. Voldy's got the wand. Everyone's a bit miffed at dumbledore for not making things better understood, etc, etc, etc.

It's all a big setup.

The next half, though, should be killer. There's some awesome stuff in it that I can't wait to see how they portray.





I'm excited! I think I'll dress as Tonks again and I should figure out what I want to do with my nails! Last time I did Potter Puppet Pals. <3


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I love how people believed that.




I love how people believed that.
I love when people believe anything from The Onion.
