procrastinating and how not to do it

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dear Dave,

Lately I have been trouble focusing and since my masters thesis is due in little over a month I can't have it, I still have a load of work to do but I still think that it is possible if I would only be able to work the whole day and not a couple of hours.

Now I was wondering if you or anybody else could give me some tips to stay focused and resist the temptation of doing something else completely.



Staff member
Hoo boy. Procrastination is what Tiggers do best!

Set deadlines. Stick to them. Make sure you set aside X hours each day at the same time and use that time to do nothing but work on your stuff. No games, no phone, no IM, no Halforums. No porn. Well, maybe a little porn.

Without self-discipline nothing we tell you will work. I'd tell you to block the internet during those work times, but frequently you will probably need the web during your writing (I used it a lot for reference styles and online dictionaries/thesauri.

Wasabi Poptart

I find I procrastinate more when I'm feeling overwhelmed. I handle it by setting small goals and rewarding myself along the way. If I have a paper to write, then I plan out each step and divide up the work so I can get it done by my deadline without stressing myself out. For instance, if I have to do a 2000 word paper due I'll divide it up so I'm doing 500 words a day. When I reach the 500 words (or go over it if I'm on a roll), then I go do something I enjoy.
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