Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.

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It's kind of a shame that I burn so quickly through the puzzles just so I can figure out what the @#$% is going on. All the Prof Layton games have had a very similar plot device where the seemingly ridiculous and obscure mystery is revealed to be something entirely different but just as ridiculous and obscure. Which is not at all a bad thing. It's what makes quickly getting through the puzzles (even at the cost of looking up the answers online) so important. The first moment you get to see Layton question reality is when you suddenly start to piece things together yourself, but you'll still have absolutely no clue what is fully going on until the reveal. I also love getting to the cinematics.

As most would be able to gather, there is no actual time travel in Unwound Future. But the fact that it's all an elaborate set that was built deep underground with the intention of hiding a super mecha fortress is just as jaw dropping. I knew something was up from the beginning, but I just couldn't figure out how to explain it as anything BUT time travel. I thought maybe instead of a time machine they created a teleporter, or perhaps just a gateway to another dimension. When it was revealed that the clock store is actually a huge elevator I think I caught myself mouthing "cooooool".
Yeah, the Layton series is pretty well known for the bait and switch. It's kinda like Scooby Doo, except with only two-three people and no dog. Still, it's one of my favorite series because, despite the bait and switch, it handles each story with such passion and intelligence that it's hard not to be in awe. Hopefully we'll get the first part of the next Trilogy within a year or two, and that Nintendo will consider releasing the movie in America.

In the mean time, I already have my copy of the British release pre-ordered. Kinda happy they managed to get all the game's VAs for it!
Just finished the game. The revelation of Celeste being Claire actually being sent forward in time was an interesting twist. I figured since they debunked the time travel idea that she must have simply been a relative as she claimed. I was close to tears though. Poor Layton.


I've never been into puzzle games that much, but I would still like to give this series a try one of these days.
I love this series! I find myself staying up way too late just trying to get to the next cinematic with each game. Did anyone else feel like these puzzles were easier than the ones in the last game?
The parrot mini-game also made me really angry...
Maybe it was just me but I found the puzzles to be harder. Or maybe I just gave up a lot easier on a good number of them and just looked up the answers so I could move on with the story.
The Parrot game was indeed annoying. Eventually I looked a bunch of those answers up as well and I realized that it would have taken hours of trial and error to get the bird to land perfectly.
I spent the longest time on the bird games, I think. When I got a new one, I'd try it out a couple times, then put it down a while and usually try again before bed and end up working it out. I ended up looking up one of them and I definitely never would have figured it out on my own. I think it was the one with the coffee... ridiculous sling-shot action!
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