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Proposal: Mods vs. Forumites




As just suggested over here, we should totally have some kind of a grand tournament of some such between the mods and the non-mods.

But not just a one-on-one tournament to the death, no no no.

We should have a series of contests, chosen by both sides, that will made grown men cry and mothers craddle their babies in fear. A series of contests that pit mod vs. Halformite against each other in a challenge of strengths and weaknesses.

We name team captains (I nomiate Dave and Chaz, respectively), we discuss and vote the contests and then each captain chooses one person from their team to represent their side in the contest.

What say you, Halforum?! Here, allow me to officially throw something down:

View attachment 509





Give examples of said challenges.



Pistols at Noon!

Or, you know, whatever it is. I'm down.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Who looks best naked.

I'll judge.




Who looks best naked.

I'll judge.
Words which should never be spoken by a man with the moniker "Fun Size".




Me vs Chaz in a naked-off?

I concede. Nobody needs to see that.


General Specific

General Specific

I think we just avoided the Great Blinding of 2010



Me vs Chaz in a naked-off?

I concede. Nobody needs to see that.
LOL.... this forum tends to twist things around pretty quickly.



Please I'm sure a lot of us can use a laser for a corkscrew. And vice versa.

I'll agree to a naked off as long as I don't have to see me. *shudder*


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Youtube singing competition of "Total Eclipse of the Heart"




Youtube singing competition of "Total Eclipse of the Heart"
Bitch you don't even wanna go there.




I suggest a best of seven series;

1. Google Earth find this location game.
2. 6 degrees of Wikipedia
3. Name that CosPlay costume.
4. Haiku : subject Kirk vs Picard
5. Hangman
6. Halforums Arcade challenge
7. Swimsuit competition




I suggest a best of seven series;

1. Google Earth find this location game.
2. 6 degrees of Wikipedia
3. Name that CosPlay costume.
4. Haiku : subject Kirk vs Picard
5. Hangman
6. Halforums Arcade challenge
7. Swimsuit competition
I can do 2/7 of those!

Team mod is a LOCK.



Ooh! and Shakespeare readings! we should have to do Shakespeare readings.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

An yay it shall be known as the first Halforums Special Olympics.





General Specific

General Specific

I don't even know her! :smug:




I shall sing for our team!




Why not finding what is west of Acapulco?




I'll be completely honest here, folks... This whole "mods vs halforumites" thing seems completely stupid to me. I mean, the mods here are certainly not some sort of secret cabal or Joe Keatinge-like overlords ruling over the huddled masses or some other crap like that. I can count with one hand the times yours I've had to go and use the modhammer here - over the past year and a half!

Besides, I think it's an unfair perception: like the mods are not "true" halforumites, but some kind of elite clique that needs to be opposed or mocked. Especially by one alpha Union Confederate shark kerfluffle... Personally I see nothing constructive coming out of this. And that's my €0.02.



North_Ranger;382531][QUOTE=Chazwozel;382527][QUOTE=North_Ranger said:
*golf clap*
Seriously, you've had it out for me ever since the whole Porky picture thing. Get over it already.[/QUOTE]

Now who's thinking too highly of themselves, huh? If you have a problem with the infraction, you got it because you were being a troll. It ain't me that needs to get over things. And the golf clap was because that was the maximum of response you deserved for making jokes about me being brain-damaged by mercury. I'll have you know, I prefer lake herring. No mercury there.

Also, it ain't me who keeps making the fat jokes. Just count your blessings that one of us is a gentleman.[/QUOTE]

Ok you got me. It's my master plan to overthrow Dave and all you mods and take over halforums. Good sleuthing, gentleman (which apparently is the new slang term for thin skinned ninny boy).


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I'll be completely honest here, folks... This whole "mods vs halforumites" thing seems completely stupid to me. I mean, the mods here are certainly not some sort of secret cabal or Joe Keatinge-like overlords ruling over the huddled masses or some other crap like that. I can count with one hand the times yours I've had to go and use the modhammer here - over the past year and a half!

Besides, I think it's an unfair perception: like the mods are not "true" halforumites, but some kind of elite clique that needs to be opposed or mocked. Especially by one alpha Union Confederate shark kerfluffle... Personally I see nothing constructive coming out of this. And that's my €0.02.
NR, I think the purpose of this has been entirely in fun and in jest. Games my lad, not outright disgruntledness. There may be some (glaringly obvious) exceptions, but for the most part it's all been entirely games. Think (special) olympics and/or small kids on the playground running around playing war or cowboys and indians.

Outside of jest (again, I know there have been some exceptions, but for the most part) it's all been in fun and no one here is actually upset about our level or style of moderation.

And that's my two cents.




I'll be completely honest here, folks... This whole "mods vs halforumites" thing seems completely stupid to me. I mean, the mods here are certainly not some sort of secret cabal or Joe Keatinge-like overlords ruling over the huddled masses or some other crap like that. I can count with one hand the times yours I've had to go and use the modhammer here - over the past year and a half!

Besides, I think it's an unfair perception: like the mods are not "true" halforumites, but some kind of elite clique that needs to be opposed or mocked. Especially by one alpha Union Confederate shark kerfluffle... Personally I see nothing constructive coming out of this. And that's my €0.02.
NR, I think the purpose of this has been entirely in fun and in jest. Games my lad, not outright disgruntledness. There may be some (glaringly obvious) exceptions, but for the most part it's all been entirely games. Think (special) olympics and/or small kids on the playground running around playing war or cowboys and indians.

Outside of jest (again, I know there have been some exceptions, but for the most part) it's all been in fun and no one here is actually upset about our level or style of moderation.

And that's my two cents.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I understand that, our good reanimator of necrotic tissue and threads... For most people it's for fun and jest, while the glaringly obvious exceptions... well, let's leave it at that. I just wanted to voice a certain level of personal disgruntledness at the division and its implications.




And that voice is heard, NR.

Even if it's from a good-for-nothing mod.


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I just wanted to voice a certain level of personal disgruntledness at the division and its implications.
ThatNickGuy said:
And that voice is heard, NR.
Are you guys talking over there? I can't hear you from my side.




I SAID... Oh never mind.

*goes to buy a megaphone*





*hopes Necro can read smoke signals*




Looks like we're going to need Mod Wolves.
