PS3 won't play DVDs or Blu-Rays in widescreen

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I've never had this problem before, but it started as soon as I updated my system. The PS3 plays games just fine, but it has problems with video. Every DVD and Blu-Ray I've put in will simply not play in widescreen. Instead I just see the two vertical bars on either side while the film looks compressed. I've gone through my video settings but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
is it squishing them or showing them letterbox? There should be a setting where you set the cable type, aspect ratio is buried under there, make sure it's 16:9. Not quite sure why it would display games fine though. This apparently used to be a firmware bug back in 2007. Check on another TV, and see what you get.
It actually distorts the picture. My Netflix also works just fine so it's not my TV. Unfortunately, I don't have another TV so I can't test it out on that.

And this was never a problem until the new update.
Sounds like a firmware bug then, you're either going to have to wait for a fix, or downgrade the firmware (equivalent to jailbreaking your PS3, stupid I know).
While the DVDis playing press the triangle button. Then click on the "AV settings button and look for the "upscale" option. You can try messing with that to see if it is set wrong. Other than that I am sadly not sure.
I sent off a request to Sony tech support and they've given me some possible solutions. Time to test them out.

Edit: Well that didn't work. My Blu-Ray picture at least isn't distorted, but it's just smaller now. It's a letterbox as well as a pillarbox. Sony is suggesting that I restore the entire PS3 system, which would erase all my data. I'm not prepared to do that yet.

What I really don't get is the games and Netflix work fine. I just run across this problem when I try to watch something on disc.
Okay, I fiddled with the remotes and adjusted my TV's aspect ratio. I just switched it from normal to wide and now it's all good. Yatta!!!
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