PS3/Xbox360 Fans, I need your advice on what to play.

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I just got my hands on a PS3 and am curious as to what I should try playing. I ask for Xbox360 owners help as alot of games are cross platform.

Now, I have a gaming PC and 9x out of 10 if given the option, I'll play a game on my PC instead of on a console unless the game really shines on a huge TV vs a small monitor. However games like Skyrim or Fallout are instantly PC only due to mods etc.

So I find that I'm having a little trouble deciding what to try out on the PS3. I've only played God of War 1 so the HD collections of the first two games as well as the HD collection of the PSP games seems really interesting. I also played about 80% of the main storyline of GTAIV on my PC but I hear that it's worth finishing up/playing the DLC? I also played Saints Row 2 and am considering Saints Row 3.

So.... suggestions dear Halforums?
Games worth playing on the PS3? Hmm...

- Brutal Legend
- Deadly Premonition
- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
- Heavy Rain
- LA Noire (might want to just rent this one)
- The Sly Collection (Sly Cooper HD remakes)
- Ratchet And Clank Future
- Demons Souls AND Dark Souls
- Saints Row 3 (but you could get this cheaper on the PC, I'd imagine)
- Assassin's Creed series
- Dead Space series
- Bayonetta
- Valkyria Chronicles
- Resistance: Fall of Man series
- Beyond Good and Evil HD

Those would be the ones I'd start out with.

Brutal Legend - Totally forgot about this game, I remember there being alot of love for it before it came out then alot of polarizing afterwards. Still, recommend though? I'll look into it.
Deadly Premonition - Never heard of it, details?
Metal Gear Solid 4 - The game that made me hold my roommates PS3 hostage back when I lived with him. Loved it and the entire series, good recommendation.
Heavy Rain - Thanks to @Ravenpoe's suggestion I'm already looking into that.
LA Noire - Already own it on PC thanks to a great STEAM sale, though haven't played it yet.
Sly Collection/Rachet Collection - Always been turned off to these games due to how childish/cartoony they look. Like Wind Waker for GC, do these surprise that much and make it worth the buy?
Demon/Dark Souls - I know this sounds lame, but if a game is a bit too hard, I'll tend to quit on it. I spent enough of my younger years throwing my NES controllers at TVs :( However, I hear they're worth it beyond just the difficululty?
Saints Row 3 - Sure I could get it cheaper on PC but this is the kind of game that explodes on the big screen no? Also, I remember the PC port of pt2 being atrocious. Any similar problems with pt3?
Assassin's Creed - Definitely on my -to play- already. I've only previously played pt1 but really enjoyed it.
Dead Space - Started the first one and side tracked off of it sadly. Looking forward to going back though.
Bayonetta - I had forgotten about this game, I remember it getting alot of attention during the Bullet Witch/Wet/Bayonetta trifecta of -hot babes with guns- thing that was going on for a while. Was this one a stand-out?
Valkria Chronicles - Not familiar, details?
Resistance: Fall of Man - I forgot about this one but only because it was never available on PC (that I know of). Thanks for the reminder.
Beyond Good and Evil HD - Also a bit worried about the cartoony graphics but a good story will always triumph graphics right?
Brutal Legend: People were mad because they thought they were getting a Dynasty Warriors-esque game inspired by Heavy Metal music. This is because that was what EA advertised it as because they didn't think anyone would buy it if they knew it was an Action Strategy game. It's fun and has a lot to offer though. Probably the best work of DoubleFine after Psychonauts.

Deadly Premonition: Ever see Twin Peaks? This is what Twin Peaks would have been if it was written by a crazy Japanese guy. It's ostensibly a survival horror game about a string of murders in a small town, but it's MUCH wackier than that description implies. A weird, wonderful game that MAY be getting a sequel soon.

Sly Collection: These are family friendly, but lots of fun and I love the characters. It's an interesting world and it's always fun to pull off a heist. The original feels like a Crash Bandicoot game but Sly 2 changes the formula up by letting you play as Sly, Murry, AND Bentley. Each has their own strengths (Sly is sneaky and fast, Murry is strong and fights well, Bentley has gadgets and can fly) and you need all their strengths to pull of each heist. Sly 3 is like Sly 2 but with a bigger cast (including villains from previous games joining your side!)

Ratchet and Clank Future: This LOOKS cartoony and the plot can be quite silly but the action is always intense. The main draw of these games is blowing up lots of enemies with awesome weapons. More to the point, these games can be difficult if your not used to them.
Bayonetta: Bayonetta is done by the original team behind Devil May Cry (creators of that entire genre of games) and Bayonetta is basically the best refinement of the genre. Story is stupid but it's meant to be. Action is intense and fun. Everything looks beautiful.

Dark/Demons Souls: If your not willing to die repeatedly, these games will not be fun for you.

Saints Row: The Third: These is a pretty great port on the PC. I never had any problems with it outside of multiplayer but I'm running an absolute shit box.

Valkria Chronicles: This is basically what World War 2 would have been like if it was an Anime. It's an Action Strategy game about a small country (it's basically supposed to be Switzerland) and it's militia. It's got a pretty good story and great graphics. Unfortunately, the sequels are on the PSP (and one of them isn't even coming over here). Still, it stands well on it's own.

Beyond Good and Evil HD: This is a lot of fun, probably one of the best games of the PS2 era. We're supposed to be getting a sequel but it keeps getting delayed.
Uncharted - Played and loved the first one already and I was blown away with how much I loved it. Very much looking forward to playing the next two.


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Ninja Gaiden Sigma (2). They are ports of the XBOX games, and are possibly the best games of their kind ever made.
If you like anime-style tactics games, the Disgaea games on the PS3 are really good.

If you don't have them on the PC already, and you tend to have friends over (or live with your SO or something), most of the LEGO games are awesome. I would go Star Wars>Pirates>Harry Potter>Batman>Indiana Jones, but they're all at least decent, and the better ones are really awesome.

I can't recommend Valkyria Chronicles enough. This is literally one of the finest Action Strategy games ever made, and massively satisfying to play - and it has a fun story too!
Disgaea - Could just not get into these games, which is weird because I loved Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics. Dunno what it was about Disgaea that just threw me off.

Lego - I did pick up Lego Batman cause it's Batman so it's awesome and it was $5. I played the Star Wars series ones a while back on the Wii, wouldn't say I completed it but might look into it again. Didn't know that the Pirates one was considered so good though, I was interested more in the Indy ones as I'm a bigger Indy fan.

Valkyria Chronicles - Keeps getting recommended but not sure how I feel about "mecha anime" style of gaming. Not a big fan of it movie wise but again, story+gameplay trumps all right?
I would say that LEGO Batman 2: DC Heroes Unite is pretty great, if you want to try the LEGO games.

Valkyria Chronicles: It's not MECHA anime, persay. You get a tank and can modify it, but it's mostly about soldiers on the ground. Weird, weird people who want to be soldiers.
Indiana Jones is surprisingly one of the weakest of the LEGO games, which sounds odd, but it makes sense because it was the first non-Star Wars LEGO game they made and they hadn't quite figured out how to apply the characters-as-powers concept to stories without aliens and Jedi. It's still a fun, decent game, but it feels much, much rougher than the Star Wars games.

The first Batman was also only decent because the suit mechanic didn't quite work as flawlessly as they expected and you find yourself doing lots of do-overs and boss fights that don't really fit the tone of the game. Second one was really good, though.

Harry Potter was really the first one where the mechanic they used to make it different from Star Wars really stood out as well-done, and the Pirates game is even better with it.

But none of them are bad, and the best are awesome.
I posted about this on the Games on Sale thread last Thursday. :(
Whoops! I ment to make this post in the Portal 2 thread, not sure how it got here. I blame being tired. Probably was reading a thread in one tab and started typing in another.
Batman Arkham Asylum, and Batman Arkham City which is most likely the greatest licensed video game of all TIME! The plot, the voice-acting, the artwork, the gameplay, everything is awesome! Though in Arkham City you have to buy the final story mission which is kind-of annoying but hey it's the times we live in.
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