Brutal Legend - Totally forgot about this game, I remember there being alot of love for it before it came out then alot of polarizing afterwards. Still, recommend though? I'll look into it.
Deadly Premonition - Never heard of it, details?
Metal Gear Solid 4 - The game that made me hold my roommates PS3 hostage back when I lived with him. Loved it and the entire series, good recommendation.
Heavy Rain - Thanks to @Ravenpoe's suggestion I'm already looking into that.
LA Noire - Already own it on PC thanks to a great STEAM sale, though haven't played it yet.
Sly Collection/Rachet Collection - Always been turned off to these games due to how childish/cartoony they look. Like Wind Waker for GC, do these surprise that much and make it worth the buy?
Demon/Dark Souls - I know this sounds lame, but if a game is a bit too hard, I'll tend to quit on it. I spent enough of my younger years throwing my NES controllers at TVs
However, I hear they're worth it beyond just the difficululty?
Saints Row 3 - Sure I could get it cheaper on PC but this is the kind of game that explodes on the big screen no? Also, I remember the PC port of pt2 being atrocious. Any similar problems with pt3?
Assassin's Creed - Definitely on my -to play- already. I've only previously played pt1 but really enjoyed it.
Dead Space - Started the first one and side tracked off of it sadly. Looking forward to going back though.
Bayonetta - I had forgotten about this game, I remember it getting alot of attention during the Bullet Witch/Wet/Bayonetta trifecta of -hot babes with guns- thing that was going on for a while. Was this one a stand-out?
Valkria Chronicles - Not familiar, details?
Resistance: Fall of Man - I forgot about this one but only because it was never available on PC (that I know of). Thanks for the reminder.
Beyond Good and Evil HD - Also a bit worried about the cartoony graphics but a good story will always triumph graphics right?